{ SEXII-}IONTHLY PICTORIAL-NT}TS[ITTIR JULI l0 Cents Per Copy I, L959 - YOt. 1t NO. 2L Scwing Vitlogc of McGultom lrke, Lokelond Pork, Wost Shore Beoch, Pistokee Highlonds, Huntrrvilto, McHenry, Yilloge of lakemoor ond Yilloge of Sunnyside $227 1196.89 FAIR AND IfiTPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COAA'\AUNITIES 1958. Tbe McHenry County Ctrapter of the National l'or,md.ation (March of Dimes) has spent $227 1395.81 for patlent care in thrs county sinee 1918 through 19rB reports Albert J. Dewey of Crysta1 Lake, the county chairman, This represelrts BZf, of aLl" fund.s raised" during those 20 years. The amount 6,--19J8 throwh Pol,ro IUNDS SPH\IT IN }{CSH\IRY TREE ON JOHNSBURG ND. NEAR GOLF MUR,SE IS Af A HA[,F. (5 pmpr,n HAVE IOST TEmR IIVES) ELIIIINAIE IREE OR PIACE I.'ARGE WAENING SIGN E{INANC,E SO SIJRTE. SCE{E OF TWO ACCTDES]TS IN AMUI A TEAR A}ID to be spent during J.919 may be close io $251000 for rehabllitation care for the )A c&ses in McHerr;r County. As with other worthy causes in HcHenrXr eor.rnty thls yearr the March of Dimes total receipts of $15 ,27L.44 aginst a need of $101000 shows that there is a mourltlr d.egree of the disease of apathy throughout the county in contrast rith ttre gpeatIy increa.sed wealtir of the county. !'ive communities in &lcHer.rlr 0o. did not have ar{yone rith enough interest t,o volrorteer to help--as a result rro Uarch of Dirnes ca.mpa.ign ftmd.s were received fron these cities; Hebron, Richnond, Marengo or Lske in the Hi1ls. &eoeipts from other Mctseri4r county cities are s Atgonquin-$488 .18i Cary]{NE OF THE TRTPI..E.DEGT(ER HATBURGER TAFEL'S Xlotel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highray 3r .nd Gar-v Road Algoquin" Illinois