J 5EA,4l - MONTHLY p tcToRtAL-NEwSLEr r rR re$IIl[S OF mA[ f Iat lst tl 5/N/59 tr'Elil CIOB -- RACES lrnr.n JINE 2O ard Jrnc 2L, L959 t OII $II,IJSIN IIAICE tI 'rHn [Irc 11 rt ll nlt..tl'lcnatn n ,r Plaoc Class ttAn Outboard Eydroplanc tt nB,l ]t rt Iburik Adao! Plece 't 'rnDll 'l ClegstrAn Ortboerd E'lBn ll r1 lltility tl rr Rtrssell Ekqan .Joe Schulte Eu. Ircntncr Bill Daug GeorgP Gobring BtlI Jegrz Grand. Repid.e, Mlcb. ri rr lst il rt rrc'l tr nrrD't n P1acc Inboard. Ski Boatg n r Ronald. Eed1und. f,iLnctte, I11. Tberega, Hisc. Naper"rille, I1I. l{orbon Gro ve, I Chioqgol I11. . ,t r' 5,/2V5i 'r Hy*lopllne U5 IIom Porter trrank Adms E.J. Zender llihrankee, f,igc. HcEerrSr, I11. ItcEocqy, I11. Pelog Eeightse II1. Clesa 'tA'r Outboerd. ffiroplane ]l rtB'l il .rt ]t tl r rlontttt Bill Gmd. Bapids, Iich. Deus rrDn il tt 'tA[ rBmnn tr nc$ ilDtt ,t n Outboa,rd, tt o Utility tr San Sagpr Dave flbonas Gerrry Eed,lutd. Ronald, Hed.hmd. Bilmctte, -1, . Mortoa Grove, .I]1. Gra$d Bapid.s, Iicb" Centerville, Ohio tt tt CLass otr Chicagg re,n, fnboa,r"d. Ski Boata Rona.Id. Largerr Irboeiit Eydroplene 155 Noru Porter 157 Boat htriee the 195e Cbarrpion I!fuosd. slrl Soat owzred. Joe Scbulte Chris Danglee into d.iffi.:rflty on Sundey and turned. ovor. IraGrange, I11. Chicago, 11I. McEenry, I11. by Walter Lempert Prlos Eeights, II1. Tfiertg io'?,in e,e /dieacs/u Rwu (Overlooking Sullivon Lqke) Serving Doily (lncluding Mondoy) ll'30 o.m. to ll:00 p.m. MALLARD GOOSE DUCK PHEASANT STEAKS FISH, ETC. Privote Rooms Avoiloble for Meetings, Bonquets ond Weddings 4 Miles Eost of Old Bridge, McHenry % Miles West of Route 12 PHONE McHENRY 345