tg i I frie"aa tUc I rcnt od +o a:."""r Roglr j I l,tartia Rolrde is ho,s elrjoriug a tlo lc* | yacatioll iitl Uis fa^niIy. f hear l[artin I is really g1virlA hig boit a good. 'I - ro{k out, eleo tbe- point tnrsU. I Dud & De; crery and. Deers fo,-lre left for I 6 fishi-g trip'ia [isco,sin. I Dot & Jeals prtin ana faeilv and Dotrg' I folks llr. & l[ro. Schrak are- leavins to- I ilay for e rnaoatioa trip to canad'a'-Everyo!l .is very thrilIeat aaa are looking - fo:rari tol p roni.erful tiae. | ii-naa a D.&i. DolucLl are back hone fron I efor reel(s vioit rlth thei! Srand Parents I in South Bertt, Ind. Thsy hatl sucb, e go-otl -- | time they ttid;' t ra.Et t6 come trome. | l[ichael Conra is spenil a ireo]( in lhicago I viriting rith his Grentl t arents. I X'lrats alt for no*, :u:lr iterns your!..iiice to I sae in the ne-*s1eite.,:-, 're e, c'.r11. 'i.t I I Watt 7 -12t,2 I I r LAIGLAilD BEVERLY JscLs & Kay Riley'Caleorated their l5th retlrting ,"I'i vErs;r?, on JuIy -titU -tUe Jrd. They ,* iavited their respective siotcrE & UrotUera rith for the fir[ delch res evaileble ir tarsp quaatities ' GatJoering for a 4th of July Ssrbssuc caaeyr s ler gooe orr t'trIe .at ilarse & Bill n !tr. & !trr_g. t{ett C88y ard " Casey Clan, their boye Jiry & Robbyt ltt. & 11!8. Joba .tuat e reuirder to circle AueuEt 21rd as I I'EuBt'r oa yonr caleod,ar. Ilhc Iskelr"d Pad( Iloeoot s Club ie sponsorirg a Comunity Pioai c oa thet day. they ere busy plarnlrg aKlr8.& Qucn Contest, e nfoycfe & Btry Psaade aad genea for all eBs. Thr. ril1 bc Eandricheg r pop, tecr & coffec for eale. Itrs a gle11 oUaace to support your oomrurity anil at tiue-neet- sone of the NrcE ih. ""r" rho livc hre. rpeopl. , cla8ltd up the bot doga fester tben they ooultl be oooked were; Phil Suoaro, nair R"y Ptr"tt., Bi]l Betesr- Bnrle okal, rbo notJrers I'be tcd ;!d Jtn Prezak. ag firn juet ruuch as and hed "U"p" Buaero t tU" boJ3 tr; t[!s. Barle r l[r8' ffru. Oka1, & }trrE. Bottali. to nake the group iust e litt1e targer theae yourg leaot cesy & tlreir soa DanIry enat last but not "uoDrr Cesy. WICKENKATvIP I I I McHenry 2i7oJ I UESil $OfE BEfcll Just rccentry aeverar i,:rrili"" gatnerca [ , at the hoDs of Etl & Carol Al.tEs.Dn fo! a | IETTY FtEDCltcx rra Joax XIOICrE. rrrcrtq ldhy talt "Pot LuclE- Barbasue Supper.'r -Those f,ho I cane to en;loy the veqr testJr foo<l rere: I Letre eee nov - fra. o" seturaay jr:ne xarsp & Bill ca'eJr, l{,ry * -I?v-B-}:l , I 5tu su""o qgoo aod a sroup of girli f,r.on. cbu.k & RoEc Kruk, f,urlh & TgTb x*?i*l I ur. lr""i""i r,egior lu:riliary }rs. rent end Bv & Jir trickcukanp.. Afl"I liili$.. rryouDgatersrr I io o-p"ip, tlrirois ror tieir e,nauet tJreuselves PARI( H'lilirt# I iffi.U; Hffi-il:frffilt rigbt fantaetic. I'hcy':{ P:t,H.: rr I x". n"o. victor sore spota but to the brin these- I lr. a conneniion. Eileeor had tbe bomr of assenrw ir sjrs:irs cod BI8E Eopp I xr". viotor Eopp le. a ran y iai xr. Oa tr*rittay, June 25th, r:cent. neJ corters r [ [U"r"a at the HoDor I ho6e 6r JII1g 16tb JoaB Burrsonr opeaal her_doo!'to be sur- I io loio ia a tirtaay cerebratlon in pri8d by Ee1en Bmuke-' ryP: Joryg"' I honir of Royr8 eothe'. hIH-9i"I9l-S-^ru"" Juty 1st, Eono oclebrary Ff8"$ I t"a heron arsp Rebel. flrev had b-irru;rv. on Juty ?th, 5th l:,t!l!--i"" I bro, out the oaadres o""?3: r.,ourett;anit Roy Eoio celcbraied their !l1d:1i"1:t: I birthday cek Dolsotby c1::9 oT_:::t:. I ieun w"dd,ins Arsriverserlr. 6DsretirleIt inpressed rith. thig frientrty gestur nade by her neigbbors Th6 cub scouts journev*^":^-:1T^* for their Jury outirg. TbE boys wao spE thr fim elil the laugfa sr. & boys, t[r. nitirgut.-s?rilg.lo11 re1 _u11e I I ,," aheao of you r. xs.rr. ir" Jr:n 2r; Dy husbard., Eal Kroacks I celEbrated I ia-rer, rri" lo-uE"tua"v. y motherra"s. nitl rm,,oJre, of likerrco, -[._ iro"s and uarcy norc gooa vea,ri-f,ogetuer