/0 .x* s .,,rtr;.. df;n ffiq1 . ",,dd .+-{ {v@* * I * ;it s"s 0F MAfN STREHI Photo talcen vras Smith and Sryder Lr:mber Yard 0ffice Sulldingi ta1l ,structr:re was the original Gilbert B]11ding. Bus driver, Flank Parker; seated on old gate are C ' }tr. Granger and Shell Kol,lier and on the cart is Fayette Huson. [fus. Ben Buss is stan$.ing at tfie corner of the in 1883. Building on left .IORTH SIDE Iast bu-tld"ing ter of social activities in ttre mldd]-e 1800 r s ' Iower rigfrt, the lilonthrestern Hotel, stiJl stand:ingr and no* orrnd by son) Gage House, ln rotr on rig[t shors the bui1.t in 1858, and the cen- the lTebers. (m:cto eourtesy Robent tholry- ttrfirfs Build:ine. Rest not identified. Subccribc ltor George R. lusten & Son FUNER,AL HOTIE 106 AmBulonce TweWry Rrdio Dirprtchod Equipmont Sr. W. Elm McHENRY, lLL. Phone EV. 5-2400