* d4 SEXII-MONTHLY P I CTO RI A I,. NI}lI SEHIBIBER 4 ffi. ? FAIR AND IXTPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COffTAAUNITIES L6, LgSg vol. l0 Cents I ITT R t S Per Copy Scring Vlllcge of McGullom Leke, Lokclond Pork, rrYest Shore Beoch, Pistokee Highlonds, Huntorvitto, McHcnry, Villoge of Laksmoor ond Vittoge of Sunnyridc .SElil-I ONTHLY NEWSLETTER: News from Mc. Helry Townrhip, llcHenry County, City of McHenry, Lakeland Park, Wett Shore Beech, Village of McCullom Lake, Pistakee Highlends, Hunterville Park, Village of 'Lakemoor and Village of Sunnyside. Published the Ist end 3rd Wednesday of each month by NEWSLETTER. PUBLISHERS. Copy to be in one week before publication dale. . Addres P. O, Box 67, McHenry, lllinois. Phone Elr 5-O7L5,. ferred by ambulanee to a hospital in Chicago so as to be near his -Berryn home that 9trr g Bonald Iiarezakr ag 27 , of Barr;m, rtro Bes vaeationing at the fami-Ly sumrer hone at Pistakee Bay was adrrittd to the McEernry HospLtal Itnrrsday, August 20th,, ard, nas dlagnosed as a paralybic polio patient }&. IYarezak said that he did not have argr of the SalJ< vaecine shots. IIe was trans- }TCHE}IRY COUNTY VACATIONM, POLIO V'ICT&{ the Salk vaccine shots as soon as Posslble' the record of the city of Chicagowith its mlllions of prople rfro have had Salk shots resrrlting in a very fern cases th:ls season i-nd.icates the apparent value of po.I;io shot :protection.-ffi ! . of Crystal Lakee Mcllenry County Mareh of Di.ues Chairmnr continues to urge everyone of a3-1. ages to see their farallJ physici.an about gettiJtg DeweY same day. Mr. Albert J. FINAL PLANS LAID FOR GOP STEER SEPTEMBFE, ROaST 20fl{ A speci.al meeting was called bDr nChucktt MLIler and attended by nenbers of trhe Mcllenry County Sentral fiepublican Com ALICE A/IARIE ffiAUTY SHOP PGRMATE,{T WAVES - TINTITTIG _- STYLING At tluls neeti-ng Chairman ard Comi.ttees rrere chosen for the steer roast arul outlng sche&:-led for Septenber 20th, at the Fo:c River Grove *Lcnic @ove on the banks of the beautifirl Fox Ri.ver. Senni.ngs w:IlI be fbcn 2 to 5. Genenal Catrirnen, Art Oirnanonrri and. Ert (Continued. insid.e baclc cover) _ ittee. FRANCES ]{YDEN 2O,l il. livo.ritir Drivr EV" 5-0ggo ilcHcnry, tllinoir