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The Pictorial Newsletter: October 7, 1959, 7 Oct 1959, Page 22

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JA SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWSLE'T TtR Pat and Ton Morgan celebrated their lrtn rredd:lng ann:LversarT on the 2hth of Sept. Congratulations and rn4rly, nary, mffie. Oub Scout Pack # IAZ riIL be having a paper drive on the [tn Saturday of everlr uonth. Honey raised thougb tluls proJect wtl1 be used to belp ff.nance the bqrst field tnips *ad for supplies. Give tbe boys a hard hf droppi-ug your pepers at the folloring points: Joe & Itlttyt s DX Stationr Lakelant Park; Jandtrs $tati.on, Fox Street and 12O; Hettenmants Station, Johasburg; Caseyts at lloliday HiILse and ther Oertified Store, Sunryside Egtates, five ehildren leave for Ca].ifornia to jo*n the$r DadSr. their f\rulture l.e alrea@ sn its !r4yr and Eetty asld So, 0n 0ctober 8th Betty Fbe&ick amd, her tlse" Tttll be a great t&rS,.31 9*r . &y and i(ids, si:nce, besides s*m$eg iled*;r, theyrll travel try Je*g peid remhers to t&e k-m"pr*rty Oragrs Ams*eiatibn, y$tutumffig {Br Lta,ve Gre rtay*ng trittx her famiJy, fJre kes&*msr i-n }ti-mgffisod uutlL their date cf *epar*",* ri1I be able to attend and also to bning someone along who is interested in our p,:roup. St. John I s P. f ,A. had i.ts first neeting and it rras voted to change the nane to St. Johnts Horne ard Sehoo1 Associ.ation insteaci of P.T.A.. Father Aqger ras tJre guest speaker of the erve, and gave a ve.ry ilteresting ad enlightening taLk. I hope he can be persuaded to spea! nore often. Belated Eirthday Greetings to Ctruckie -Fbitzr and to Clara ltrarS.ngtone and loads of best rishes to the Sepior llamLrngtons wtro are celebrating 16 years of redded life. Hazel lfaclaugtrljn is out of the hospital a^nd recuperating _at ttre home of good frierails in HeHerr;r, lVe sure mi-ss her amd wi-3-1 be glad to see her baek at home agai"n" In r#estshore Beach there are ].PO drre'l I ixs and yet there are only 58 Ttte other day on the radi-o T heard the eancuncer sayn$anted .&.}j-ve-ft:r Childrentr, and f hope all drivers remember that say5-ng bece.use uary ehildreu are back in schaoJ. and lots of other little ones &re at home playi;rg. ln#Uq GLrf.{Tl'tER, ffieporting suffirvst$}ffi tffis.,ttD keiting PARI( BEVENLY ITICKENKAMP you notri* fitr* go5"*g up aroud &rytr il:fir* tre,nch*type hone we have soa* swdr neighbore W the name of Rober't and BewerSy Amdras arrl the5r are.'araiti-ng monbh nm hagses us.t In a hra*sd the birbh of their first child irn the ,ereoted, have ssr.rairig signs i.n the rj.ndcms coneernlng vandalism and f hope you,prrents rrarn your children of the darrgers eommon to places ntrere con- of l{ovenber. All of the ner hores that are being Associati*n i-s that the lnng-anaited Comurrtty l{ouse Ls no longer a drean but a reality. Constructlon started on Wed., $ept' 9th, and to da.te the foundation has been poured and the eenent blocks delirrEred,. P1ans are to tlave it completed. so ttrat we nay use i-t for our nary Chrlstmas EV. 5-306 nerys flrom br:r Hroperty 0rrners Our $rnrryside Hone Bureau had its flrst neeting of another year at ttre horne of Pat Spirdler. f believe most of you knor that our neetLngs riIl be changed,llom the f orrth irIed. to the first Wed. of the month, Our Octbber rueeting at'?:3OP$[ at the home of Irene May and we riII all get to meet our nm Home Adviser, Barbard Hj-11". . I hope all you members struction is taking pIaee. ihree much-beedect bus shelters are being erecteo--one at Short and Hig!firay LzO, ttre secord one at the vrest Beach and the .third at Parknay and Center. ltre concrete slabs rrere poured on Sept Phone EV 5-t456 25Ubo- events. PLI,'IUBING AIYD HEATING CONTRACTOB wi.lI be on'the ?th J. T. MAHONEY A Retiable Plumber Protects Yorr Hcatth Sl W. Elm Sfr..f ttcHonrY, lltinolr

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