*5 sEM I -MONTHLY PICTOR I AL.NEWSLETTER A SrcCESSFUL TRIP (Cont. after a terrific battle. lbeezing vieather of 260 was encountered by the party. As the pictures shor, Fled d:id ver)' Iit'b1e shavingr arxl pnobably scared more fish 'bhan he caught. We are very reluctant ) tish *""Jd class is Junlor chamber of comnerce members have amolled i,a the five-reek course' T\ro classes are schednled to start on *kesdaye October 5th. One wi1I be heJ.d 3J1 the H,ecreation Building at Crlystal "'. Iake md the other in the City IIaI1 at Soodstoclt. Nei1l H. trfartin of McHerury . rilI teach the eLess in C}rysta1 leke' .,'= Ytre group chairrnan is Mrs' R-o J" -Rettler' "'.i;a' 6131-scorrt Leaders ere enrslled 1n the collrs. Lt. G,eorge lbyers of the Woodstock Poli.ce Force niII teach the class insoodstock.Schoolbusdriversr':t11 take part in the five-ueek sessicn(aIl FInsT AID gtASS (Cont. ) instruetor, and Group Chai:tan lh" to agree to the p"q"f *t.shown. ,a week fo T'IRE PRSVEXMION ITMK, (Cont. ) f?ee flon fire hazards. l"Ihen burning bus drrvers are required by state }aw to hold a Standard First Ai-d Certificate ' AfI threecourses are open to the public ' ltre classes are two hours in length (8:00 PM to 10:00 ,PM), and are held one n:tght l[rs. l[arvin Shane. Uives of for this' leaves, dry grass and rubbishe partlcular attention should be paid to Fjre Department RegTrlati.ons whieh are establi-shed for yor:r safety and for the prevention of fires. matlon and ansrer questions. T{e request that all memrbers of yor:r fam:tly be jJlstructed as to the correct procedure for dialfurg the Eire Department or the Police Department j-n the event of an emergency because under: Again we wish to call attentlon to the faci that r:nder' the nenrr dial systen in the event of a fire or other emergeney it is necessary for the ealling party to sta;r on the phone and give full infor- impossible hung up. to trace a call after the nenr d:i4.1 system you have it i-s ffiErtr ffiot}ffiffiru EQUIPMEilT Besidential and Gommercial llauling CompletelY Enclosed McHenry Disposal Seruice l15 Eert Third Siret WILLIA,YI DEVRIES i McHenry EV. 5-2221