.:1: r;i. ': : i1i{ liii'rood, rittr an oarfy nethod of psreonal transr ;i'ri ii+i prctIIRE oN'LErT ehons Dp. }IiLL Eepburn of Rlng- rghoa rith patr + tcnt ln cbair. lu"'Ihls plcturc ilet iriii tahn oyer hO illf l:,:# t: pou-bation. PH0T0 0N RICTIIT: I D. Chanberlatn rears ego. .: .... ::.'l .:::E:j: ; OVERSEAS SERrICS{EN Y{A}rf TTASTE OF Hcfrm'r ttBelieve me.. i] PAYS lo be FUSSY obou] o Dry Cleoning!" ser:rricemen teken by Anerican Red Cross F-ield direetons stationed rith lrtir i tary. rrnLts around the worId. Afber dlseounting the usual reguests for' one-mry tiekets homee the poIL shmed home- rid margin. the List ras put together from a polI of it nrer so humble, therers no cooking home cookingU t that t s the rord from Ameri.can $erule'eren r*ren qrrcried atrout their trdruthers[ on Christnas presents flom houe this 5rear. Cookies, fbuit cake, ad, other hone-nade edibles topped the nost-raated 1j.st by a rrBe IN CMTSTXIAS GIFTS like li,l;ildi JeqPsr Stotion Wogons ond Trucks vlLtIS saLt's & srinvtcu PHONE EV. 5{1927 m.JL"o,,y Q::r: lor Pick,up Scrwicc .et or SAVE l0% Cerh 'N Cerry llick P. frliller,.0wner tTe Seruice fill RAINBOW (IEANERS XcHrhry, lll. if Fronl'Stroot (Around oorner N6rth of Nelional TeaI OPEN FRIDAY EYENIXGS TO P. N. OOO llales of Uehictes ilclltillY, il.L Phone Ell.5-0403 TNOilI STREII '