q. SEMI-MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWsLE' I tR During the past severa l months meny ltcllenry residents have wondered about the steel framework being raised at North Bridge lltarine orl the east sicie of the river. Some thourght it was to be a huge derr:ick to move boats in and ou'b of the water; others contemplated a vertical storage builciii,g like the auto-parking hiow that it is coryIeteci we aII know it for what rt r'al\r is: a IOTOCO ga}. rrater s torage tank orr a 7 5' tower . r'hLs tank is connected Lo insrde piping thr- A I,ANDMARK IS BORN surance rates cLue'. bo the reouced risk to Iife and property. The wa.ter in the tower also protect.-' nearbll bi'i id'irtgs anu resldents as .r. re sult of : ,-,he instrr.llatiorr of three fire h 'Jrant: ialong the roao on the soutir srcte oi' the r.ruiloings. Phono EV 5.1456 garages. PLT'TBING AI{D HEAIING AOrltsACTON J. T. MAHONEY A Sl Retbblc Plumbcr Pracat Xotu llco"h to hunctre<ls of fused sprinkler hea.-,s " In th e event of fire in any 3-ocat:c n, the fuses mel-t and 5O gall-ons of water per minute is sprayed over the area be1or the opened head. Thj s is to prevent a recurrenee of the {"errikrle fire that destrcved the orleinal buildlngs j-n 1958. The tank ls necessarv to assure a suooly of w.rter a.t e1l times and is not subJect to mechanical or electrical fai--lure, This protectj.on resu.l.ts in recruced in- oughout the North Bridge bulloings and W. Etm Sftrcl nc|lrnrf' lllhrb Nawest Type Carmeras Photo Supptries GEO. W. I(OTAIIH CAITER,A CENTER, Il7 N. Riverrido Drive Phone EV, 5{/275 r ii"d for First Place on the Thursday night 9:I5 Business Men's League These fwo leams the Park Pub and Bimbos No. t. at McHenry"Recrealion, "t" The picture on the tefi shows members of the Pork Pub team. Top row, left to right: Joe Marselta, Bob Blake and Ray Blake. Bottom row: Mel Krueger and Jack Coughlih. The picture on ihe right shows ihe Bimbo team. Left to right: Ted Getner, Frank Low, Vince rd, Whitey Pierce and Dick Smith. McHENRY RECREATION East of Old Bridge PH9NE EV. 5-2s20 McHenry, lllinois