SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWSLEfiER who came to sing Happy Birtirciay were: 'lerr1, and Kathy Brooks, Larry and lnnald Glorche leah Rode, Darlene and iiarryl ,iilliams I klchre Nowell and Pam and chris Gamtpetro. On Sunday the 25th Nancy and her Dade Bob, shared a Brithoay Cake rhen all the famtly gathered to w"ish them nany IItOfB. on the oecasion t-rl' her l+tfr brrthuay'. Those All Your Buildimg Needs a Fnffi A remlnder that November lst the next quarter dues are duee also your third road assessment PaYnent. Belated Birthda;1 i;iishes to lJonald f{i11lams who beceme six on October 25th. nil smust c B:lrthday keetings to little Susie Idste*n wtro urill be three on Nov" 5ti:t Marge Casey sn the 9th and her daughter Cindy u*ro will be 5 on the 11*n* Helen Hayn'es on the l3the Joan Kanm *m t'he 3&*fi, ano pert Paulette Rj;smc *xr th* }&t'h" ann:Lversary congratula&leH'}.s g# te "uCIslrie and ltay Rooe on the 5ttr. BeLated Arrniversary Greetings to &b' and ISrs' Sarfl, &rcaro who have spent the last si:rbeen years together on gctober Stfr .LlonE t forget the r'roment s Ciub l{eeti"ng on Ttrursday, November Stfr t rilD rsflmnn8 ffic$tEilkY tffiffiffiffiffi ffiS. Et! H*lt SInffi fficffiffiffiY, t[L Phome EU.5F46m ffiffiw ffi",ffiffiffiffiffi ficsEdemtial amd ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiY Qommercial llauling Gompletely Enclosed illcHen!'y It5 Eut Third Strcot Seruice wrLLrAlr DEYRIES McHenry EV. 5"2221