q SEM I.MONTHLY P ICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER E!CATERINGIAI 0rdcr Thanksgiving Pumpkin and ilince Pies EarlY FOR SURE DELIVER.Y Spatal4ag u Ghop Suey Smofted Salmon -r Frcsh Oysters FRESH LINGON BERR.IES AVAILABLE Home Baked Pies and Gakes Many Hard to Get Goodier Fogd Furnished for Parlies - Large cr SmallPhone EV. 5-0754 - and Don'l Be Disappointed PA]ITRV DEI.ICAGIES mcHEilRY1S OilLY DELICATESSEH 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 5 Days - Monday thru FridaySaturday 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday 9 a.rn. to 8 p.m. On Oct. ,L, Hiss Jcan Ann HcGinlcY of lflc0ul]on l,ake bccame thc bridE of Elno lu1cis. lllro coup]e rere ma,rricd at St; PBtrickrg Cburch in ltcE errxy end uiII meke thcir bomc at 2OZ South Grecn St. ' (Photo, Rrrdy BrVant) NEW DIVIDEND RATE Ettective lan. Ist, 7960 €BptEmm $r Savielgs fteguIm Ptram Gompoufid or Fayable Semi-Annually Fhone EIf 5€000 206 lU. Elm Street ilcllcnry, lllinois