/-t/ vtt SEM I - ]TllOI{T HLY PICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER be able to sta;'r Just a short from two to four P.ll{. Parents ren like to talk to Santa are bring a 5OO gr-ft :mark€d Gj-rl each child you brl.ng. Happy Birthuay Greetlr;gs to il/i. Su-l-U-van on the 19th; ,u'j.vacious'Jo RLzzo on the zoth and to her other halfr Paulr on Jan. lst; to Foster Glorch on' the 3rcl i and to nV Jin on i)qc. 28th. Anniversary Congratulatrons to Joan & Eich Br:rmann who chalk up three years of sharing on Dec. 29t'h. I would UJre to elq)ress a sincere w:-sh to you arrd yo-rs for a very Merry and l,appy Ho1i.lay Season. UILLTGE OF SU]IIIYSTDE Itf,a GUNTIIER, Rrporting EV.,'$ta!f 1Ye11, that jolIy man i-n 'the reci suit and the long white beand. 1s getting his bag of suorr-ses reaoy for the children of the Vi}I agp and should be going house to house on gf,"i.t as fire ' All Cirildren up i;o the Btfr gade will he the recipients of his .gifls ' Our Uecember meeting of' the Su,,n;;sicle Hcirne Bureau rnet at the home of Mary llose and we revealed who our secret pal of the year was ancl after exchanging gifts we drerr nanes for the comi-ng year. T[e nare "-teryr happy to have Pat Sp':)ndler back to preside over the rneeting. Someti-me in November som.e of' the child- ren thought I was terribl-e 'rrhen f told them that the ice wasntt thick enough to skate on and that they shoulo wait unti.l it was four inches or more thick. To prove that ice isntt al,';ays as thick as it seems to be I woulct like to tell-l you about litt- le Michael Jablonski ',*ro went on the iee in cak of his house and instead of haring a gocd time the iee broke and this l"ittle i Here's wishing You o irol- idoy in"tune with oll the best things of .life. MoY your home ring with the ,hoppy *ounds of loughter, music tlmd rnerrysmoking. Garr$ssBm Lalimer Sales Representative SEIBEL 'SOTOR. SALES ",'lhite---- rnrhose child- asked to or Boy for Zz,-N%s i GIr -E a J, Real Flying: Modet . AIR,PLANES Battery OPerated $4.98:: I- - Hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily Except Saturday'and Sunday Saturday, 9:00 to 5:30; Sunday, 9:00 to l2:.1O from Dec. l4th to 23fd 136 RI'VERSIDE DRIVE Associate Member McHenry, lllinois PhonJ Ev. 5-4026 ' Grip5no Flexible STEEL T'R.EADS Set of 2 $1.29 Rust resistant metal. l000rs . of gripping edges. FR.UITCAKE z-Ib" tin of the most delieious fum butter fr(ritcrke. $t.39 I