i{ We Would Like to Talk With Ymu About Our Home Ownerc Packagc Policn Br,oad Form. llo Deductibles. It-Sives You illoney. R. I]ISURAilGE ll2 E. EIm St. Ey. 5{043 WAUSH AGE]IGY illcllcnry ednl PRECII\IOT AVENAGES BETTER rgMU 5OS I}I PR]]{ABY A total of 303 ba]lots was cast in pre. rlj:tct I ln the primry electi,on held.on 'firesday, April L2" 0f that amounte 2319 vrere Bepubliean and 3 spoiled, and Bh east for the Demoirats. There Tscrc corts tests for precinct comi.tteemen on both ball-ots. President of the v:lllage of McQrllom Lake JakE Ievesque garnerd, L29 votes, vrlr-Lle lr-i-s oppositione Sig Jaeobsen of Rtngwood reeeived BB. 0n the Democratic ballote lhs. Theresa Sehultze the incumbent conrnitteenan re- ceived 70 votes t: B for her lrnlte-j-n opponent, I4r. $riibert Ilechte both of Me0ullom Iake. Six of Mr. HectrL+s votes r{ere spoilecl. . In trrecinet Ir Ro.rntJr Coroner Theron J. Elrorn raeked up 1O3 votes, wh:Lle a neur- coner to the poliiieal arene, h. John Goetschel received l0l on the Bepublican ticket. Fbr the sarre office on the Oemo-, craii-.c ballote Eugene Hechathorne beat lr-is opponent by five votes and received 38. Isadore TuchaLski earned, Jl. )@ared/ata,@ 4w ??nu fon;aoe TWI'LITE LEAGUES at the NEW 18 Hole Golf Gourse CHAPEL HILL COU]IITRY CLUB On Chapcl Hill Road, I lltile North of Route 120 McHEXRY, lLLlNOIS for lnformation, Gall EUergrcen 5-2040 DINING ROONA OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DINNER, SER,VED FRO'ti 5 P.M. DAILY. SUNDAY FROiI NOON Bowling Banquets ?Oeeafocb... Weddings Glub Parties Golf Tournaments, etc.