+ -Jonec coordinaled etl the detailr of the proiect, including modification of the engine wilh a special tower unit derign6il by' "Pey" Hubbell of Los Angcler. Jones commenfed at the end of the record run, "Hv her done ruch a tremendour iob of raising oulboerd rpeedr thet if ir now acadcmic thet any enginci ceplble of pushing e loedcd cruiser at ryeodr of more then 30 mph can hurlle e'prop' walking hydro pert t00 eerilY The ulrimard speed of the pumpkinrecd'like boat war limitcd noi by the V'4'r abiliry lo relpond to more lhrolllc, but by thc fect that the boat rriughf lo leave lhe bere rtability of itr 3pon3on3 rnd begin lo "kile"-!g3qnc eir-bof6?. Harry Cupp, Knoxville, Tenn., official referee of the Nationel Outboard Asocialion, which ranclion' ed rhe lrial and ccrrificd thc tlcord, commenled: "Thir wt3 the rimplcd triel l'vc QYer hendled' They iurt put fh. bolt in the wllir, rtertcd ihe engine,'ran the course .3 rcquired and ceme in vith the record." Timed by Ofio Crocker, Sen Dicgo, chief timer for the American Power Belt Arcocirtion,'thc n w 'mark wer feder: by almod teven miler en hoyr then nrql .htd ever before trevelcd in en outboerd powered bo!f. NORTH BR.IDGE MARINE Ann $treet Phone EV. 5-3360 fuend hy fivinrrdz's n&l 76thi STA&FLTTE 3.! tlcHenry, llllnois F.I R S T 'NotJ!aoARDS Pictures'Enlarged to Size (5.x71 Anv picturc tppcrring ln Pictoriel Nqrglelter cln bo cnlrrgnd to thr rbovo dr or lo 8rl0 for il.ltO olch. PIGTORIAT .P. O, BOX 67 XIcHENRY. ILLINOIS Cesh or Check mird bc with ordcr.