tu sEmt-moilTltlY PICTOBIA[.N[}fS[[TTIN JIINE 1, Lg6O - VoL. h, No. L9 FAIR AND IMPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COfiIAAUNITIES Yi * I ,,.",h r#s& :m*- *W% o*,!+nLe ffi ffi x& llrrj!:'CP LOI-t&s 1'.' L\:N-F-,, llrst-ror- 0F 'illiE O:\THOLIC }IOC.[SE Olt ilo0i,f.Urtu, orciaj-ns &riJS ,iIlBrlli of iiiversicie ltrive, licl{erry, itOi'ULLD CAr;PO and JArrtr,,S Cr.tYi'ioil of Chrcargo: to tire: flol-,' :'riesthooa. This j-s a'singul;r"r ironor for the par:-sh of St. .,f,r.rltse Lrc- i{crrrJ,', to havc }iis r,ixce}1.ency Bishop Lane coirle to the parisii church to pcri'orrrl tiiis ancient riiual- bestolring the ltol'rcrs of the Apostles to these clescrvrng J'ouittllen. " -org ihrrn sl-.r:ty irriesi,l; of tirc tiiocese l"rere 1:resenir &s 1re}I a$ h1rncirecls ofalter boys ,.'roi,. rlurr:ollnciing rtarishss. (fnoto lry ,tev. I,-atiter irlilges). l0 Cents Per Copy ?,",:.:-,'r .;q'--!r::: rr;':...i, l ,.-!.:tt: ,, '4 4j: ,.': 3F.€Ph ii{," *r tSA:** * L"rsr *^,&ffi-l*i * €.1 rsF kl&l" ,L ]Aqg *e$ kffi