,1 SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL NTWSLT I I'TI{ 0n June 25t L96O, T'5iss Diane Pieroni :becane the brid.e of Charl-es Ton.-,'an in a lorreLJi ceremony perforrned at St. tr*ar:yr s Church in '!,tcHerlrl,r. The euploy- ees of lrTcrth Bridge liari; re, '"vhet'e she , it empl-o-ved, had. a party for her before'her Gaoing da;,' *"6 presented her tl-it'h a gift: complete "','r-ith flovrers and b"ro cake"r enio:reA by all. Bcst r'r-j-shed to the net'rlpYeds I DOMLD T{EINGAAT, 1UHOSE UNIDEi{TIFI:'D Baby Pictr:rd appeared j-n the last issue of the }brrsletter. .Don, a men'ilcer of the local school board, is 'with the Carerr Eleetrie Co. of ]',{c}{ellff' Ardcron Tr=c Scwicc TtE SEffet, - llrndDa - Ilrootd nrrPllc Wod SFrt'Ilt ?xoxra - Ph: Woodrlock FE. 8-2598; McHenry EV. 5'2575 Eo PGlo Fouvr 4 'EOr 61., Olvrg GoAo llcHfr'FY' lr.Ll;'o)3 T1A5ONR,Y - R,E TODELING J. R,. LEVESQUE COil'TPANY GENERAL CONTR.ACTOR, 4f O Spring Rood tlccullom Loke ftlcHenry, tllinois EV 5-4I4t All Your Building Needs a rnE H.ril sRUlGt ril0 $nmlln8 a IIc]IEHRY tumBm C0. 6il lIilil slnt$ Idmr, m. phone EU. Srffim N"l h ,i.l &i r- e ffi ltii'ji-iitl