i** SEM I -MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWSLETTER FICTiiF"irD :iii-rr Aill'0liOBIIriS BEII{G if UN throt-rglt Safctir Cl:ecl; Lanes in i.reHeruTr. Tire progr"a$ i'r'as sr:onsoreri bj, th* City of ilclier:,r:y arxl opez.atr-ci by tne ii,lcHenry - Jaycees. IHOfrIAS P. BOI.GER THE &IcHENPY DBUGGIST Phonc Eu. il500 t{clleul t{0TlcE WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED UYCITAL'S HAMDWAHE Green Street EV 5-fi)98 McHENRY, ILLiNOIS Bottled Gas' I32 DISTR!BUTORS For McHenry and Lake Countios Call [.!s for Prompt Service SPECIAT wash rm $z.so tr0Aru & $ev's D,XSUG strANOT l^&ln{ ;trt a loub lt0 Gonsunrods Trade Stamps routrc tb f:mrrf E{. !1,1719 JAN| ;* s{, *i;::;i ' , r .in:l:: ' '-'"'l;: l'r:- "-;:. -.i11 i,: ttttl{flpy Jf,rttts ffit}i:rc*,ij{ - a-E A*-