Mcll ENR| 0A IIcHEITRI CITIftBA CT,TIB NEWS W UfCIIAEI J. BRCmIrr', PRESIf,IEItrI. the .Aug. 2 meet_ tng rras, to EW.r our _ best since ortr founding irr trbb. Movies of triesta Day rrere shomr, !3t they were onJyttre prelude of better thi-ngs. Itre main event came in the persons of Car^men Beporto q'rt Bob Kotalikr photogaphers fbom the Chic ago Sun-Times. These ab1e gent'l emen judged our contests. ftre rrinn- er of each 1st place in color and black- and-white uras awarded a trophy. [he tro- phies were donated by ttris neffispape,r aul Ifotaltkts Carrera Center. Dav:td f,ennebeck 'ron Ist il bl^aek and .white Etth Ibve I[iI- ler 2rrd and D[ek Rauseher 3rd.. Budf tll]me took Ist ard 3rd in the Color Division vlrith yours truly 2nd. After the eontest Messrs. Kotalik and Reporto gave an-enter- taining and informative ta1k. The Ca:nera Club deeided to hold its 2nd fie-l-d trip of the season August 21st. As the last trip was a success lve e4pect a god turn-out this time. AII yoe*bers Erre aslced to meet at 2 p!,{ at Kotalikrs Canera Center on Sunday A.ugust 21st. The triowill- be to ',,,aIkup ,ioodsr Grysta} Lake. Atthe follorqr"jxg meeting our eontests will be based on pietures and slides taken d,ring the field trip. Also the seotember rneeting has been set aside for eleetion of nem officerso At this meeting yOU wj-Il be able to voice your opinion. In the h st eolumn I lo1d. you of our floatts sucdess i.:r the F.iesta rEy parade. i'[e11, in i';oodstockts V-J Day i;he storlr f o\' DRIUE CAREFUT WE NEED YOU!' mas the s€rme. Thi-s is tne firsi; float re have ever built, and it won 2nd. place i-n the countyts tuo largest parades. It cotfld onlJ have happened through the efforts of the nembersl the girls .ryho rod.e it, and Cleo. KOIALfK. Irtlccllha fior actually retexturizes fabrics while it's cleaning tlrerrr ! RATNBOW CLEANERS lL ;toir SlRcEr fdlErrY, ultot3 ?horr Elbsron ltGfl P-l