BI,AKE MOSON,S GRA}ID OPBIING 0n August 25t 25 snd 2? an orerqhclm- ing numbcr of peoplc from aII ovgr t&is area came to McHenry and ritncsscd rryt rs,E very irnprcssed. at thc Grand Opea- {ng of tha New Erclusive Selca Ceatcor of Blakc Motors, the locel d.eelcr for 6b4ys1er, Pl3mouth, Veliaat lrqd |Bop Quality Used csrs. llhis antmobilc plant locatcd on Rt. Ln Jugt EBst d ldcEenry is by far the most beautiful nnd onc of the nost apactoqs in trCi.tJr- ezzr TllinoLg. A1] aer c&rs riII bc ke1rt ln en indoor displey rooE spa a vcrTr spaeiotrs, reI} lit uecd. ear lot ig located, in the pmper*3r. Buring thc grerd opcnirg acrvcrrl rm,lueble door prizea rcrc givo Breur. tlhc lue$ ririlEcre erqc aa follors: Air Comd.itioncr - Hrs. Dorut&;r Ilieiki&; Laua Xarcr - ks. Joscph Sorytr; GtocL Rsd,lo - Albera Eeisa; Erist fatc&. -=srl Rees; aJ.l frm tcEenrlr. DNNE GINEFUL I.UE ]IEEI} YO$! FR,EE TRTAI. SOFT WITER ,t HOraE OWXEO t scwrcE .a sEfvtcE AuTolrATtcS I lo VEATS EIFERIENCE R. O. Aldrer Go. FE 842m W(X}DSTOGK, ILL. AJI Your Custom Upholstering Done Aln I{r,fcrirb For tb lt Yoor*ll Nce& PARLOR - DINING Rbffi - DINETTEAUTO - TRUCK AND BOAT - Cell - GHET'S UPHOTSTERI]IG SHOP 401 Hickory Drive, McCullom Leke McHenry, lllinois EY t3{s8 & 5CMI-I(}{r}[Y PTCTMIAL-'{EW5LETTER TtlEffiffi PbFG tr. iltn lacrr tAlrolf,Y-ffi ,,. E. IIIfESQITE COMPAHY EHIIMAI. CIOffileod f:flfir I.o&C tCtrrf,eob EV T{IIIT AII Your EuiHing Iteeds a rE IITT SEEI ffiESTruIr itcllEllRY EIT ITfr SIEI o lutIm co. tET. TL Phone fl.5-|S0O I I ,t,fif'I ;tr tfii l (t