q SEM I .MONTHLY PICTORIAL NTW5LE I I tI{ * ll it WU ;sfiRS .rttir"* " will buy Att THIS TODAY! -State Farur's rw Homeowners PolL1r is a sizglc package that fnrotecs agains all tour mairr fmnrcrs" riskr-yet costsirno rmre than what you probably ow Fy for "Fire arrd extended coverage" abne- It covers: (l) your hom (2) its odcots (3) your legal liability and (4) thft kises tm- So dont y.it. C-ontact your Sate Farm "Family lmurene Man- today! ROEERT J. CONII/AY 312 E. Elm Stroct DfcEenrySr, IIUEoE DVergreon &62E8 STATE FART The Careful .Buyer's Home. Insurance Stalc Farm firc ead Ceruafty Compu; - llorc Olficc: I=;FT rct lloominglon. fhe 18-bed unit ( Continucd. oa now und.Qr eorxltnrc- ir.sid.c bcclc covcr) VoUW Whor most of you poy for fire imuronce otone NEV EOSPTTAI 3IIIIDTNG IN PROGRESS thc rcinforced concr:cte basement floor and. walls have becn pourcd. for McEenrXr Hospitalrs 18-bcd. building rlsing on thc bsnks of Boonc Credr lIhe basGment, Lr872 squarc feet, is It per ccnt of thc totel srce of ths bulldine which rriIl be elmost I]r000 sguere fcet. Ihc besement has Ulen planned to housc eII the heating unitserd other equipmcnt for a l0-bed hos_qit"l proposcd und.cr e long rangt plan. lhc rcnaindcr of tJre erc& rill bc -erarl Bpacco llhe bascmcnt ralls a,rc no, raady forthc gtnrcturel gtccl franc that "iff U"iastalled aext. Aftcr thi.s rorik ig conpleted. the bricklaying rill be etarted. and the hospitel buildrng rill takc fonm. HOME OF THE TRIPIE.DEGTER HAilBURGER TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 3l and Garr- Road Algonquin, Illinois