g SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL Nt,W5Lt t I tR to sce ttre new L96l- boats and marine pr.oducts. llhe show will be opcn frorn I P.M, to 11 P.U. d.aiIy and thE d.ealere wlII seII dircct to the public from their booths and. fron the marina. North Brid.ge Marine will have representatives on duty in the Sw"itzer Boat extribit i during show hours. They riII be happy to sce you there end to funrish all in- formation on all extribits you wish to trisit. GOVERN()R AND MRS. WIITIAM STRAflTION IANITNC BY HELICOPTOR AT I,AKU,AND PA}K O}I THEIR RECEhIIT HAND-SHAKING ryOUR OF MoHH}IRY COUNTY ATIDERSO]I INEE SENUGE TREE SURGERY - PLANTING - REMOVALFIREPLACE W(X)D _ SPRAYIN(' Fh.r rAfoodatock FE &259t; tcHrnry Ey *2516 ED REID..- OlVlS BOAD 3M Meplc Avcnuo ilclhnry, lltimil LEOI|ARD L BOTTITI,OD. GLASSES FITTED - EYES EXATINED Offto Hoilrr: ty.Apolntnnnl 105 N. Richm6nd no.d t H.,.ry, tlitncir- Phon EV ti?[r62 MAIiODIRY - TTNOM.ING J. R. TEVESQT'E COMPANY GENERAI, GONTNACTOR aIO SprIry lood tctullorrr l"okc fficflcnry, Ittlnoll EV $atal 3% Paid On ill Silfrtgs DGposits tlcHenly State Bank ilcHENRY, ILL|NOIS Scrring Sinco 1906 hmbcr of F-D.|.C. &ext..r ,*"--ry,frfffi