f GIII@IS FOn NIXON-IOIXIE, Uorforinf OIlt$Irtt lc up Rclubllolnst Itra rot €Dougb to rutcl. Eolp gat othcn out to votc.r So urgcr I,om lesccy, Cheinen of tlrc Gts tlroc f or Ni:ron lodgc, IcHcnr3r 0o. One votc elonc has ohangcd tnc etault ln rryorrrl lnprtut clcotioar, Crlvln Sklncrl @-orptrla for thc C4rstr1 I*c rm, polntcd ou t. Itr 1948, orc norlc votc la or& prcoinot tould hevc clcot- cd Ducy lnstcld of ltunra. In 1875, onc noa. clcotorrl votc ;suld hrvc clcst- cd Xryroa; oac norc clccrtonl votc muld hrrc pttln Orosr Jctrfcrsoa lnrtced of Alpa Entrr ln lmoo - Sortor Robcrt [rf,t I oria hrva tt- tuncd, to thc Scrutc b L94d rlth onr morc Yotc fnon caoh pncoLnot lrr Ohlo. In 196O, onc Eonc votc tsuld hrvc put I 8c1tubllcra lnstcrd of r Dcnoorrt, Ushcr BusilloL, lnto thc Scnetc frcn Nor{h Ihko- tt. &Sradon Johnaon ms rctumcd, to thc Santc by orr votG tr c.tb pnotnot ln 194t1. Flenoc bcoem r Rcpubllo tnstctd, of r lonuohgr by onc votc ln IBT5. BE-E[,EC[ $lBXrmII ON EIS HEMEDT Ultrolg ta colvcnt. Eac tbld lou- cgt tlr ntc la rrtion. pcr-orpltt dcbt rcduccd, fron t 9.r2 tn 1952 to $18.52 ln 195S. Goycrror Stnttoa vctor- cd 55 nllIlon ln rmbtrdgctcd norcy rud bslsrccd fotrr oonscoutlvc bndgcta. Slncs Lgr, BorG thrn ?SOO nllca of nm rords .an 74, acr bridgcs hryc bcan oorrgtructcd la rddition to rldcnlng d Ir142 cxlgtirg Hdgco. Ovsr * blllioa and. hrlf dolhra hes goilc for higLregr constnrctlon rs coopenad rith 851 nil- U.on dollarg ia 59 ycer Egan fron 19lr- L952. Oovcrnor Stratton brokc thc oottla- ncolc thet hcld. up Chioego axtlnaarrrrur constnrction for JO yGars. Goycrnor Stratton got lt bullt. Ecluoatioul funds inorecgcd Z54l it lcss tian I ycus. Higbcst ststc etd, for loee} schools in Illinois historlr. Equrlizition lcvcl incrcrgcd from Sf5Oto tz5Z per pupil. Itrcnta} patients bettcr houscd, bctter fed ard bcttcr carcd for rith more hopc of recovcrlo In Lg}Z, 8OO prtlcntg slept on the floor. Todey L 1655 beds hrvc bccn rddcd rnd dI ptlcnt! nor clccp in bra!. Iro Dil ncntd hoepitrlc brvc bco btrItd ln pest tro ycrra, fl,rat la ,O Jrcttrlt. IoEcnr1r Io* ooratnrotoil. Flret ln r rcr!,cr of ,5 pruJcott to dcvclop tJrc Fox Slvrr futo r rcoprttonrl 3trct t! ntl es pnrldr ffooA ud flo oontrol to ro- duoc ieneC'l8 flood!. Suoocraf,ul\r ognlcd Daoomt utratrnr to lroprsc oorponto frraohlgc tlx fq)O pc oart .nd ddvr lndurtry otrt of Illl,nolr. Oppoacd. gttto lnoon tlE. 52 othcr strtco bnnc strtc lnorc trE. IUtDfs hrs ao gtrto prcpcrty tlr. lhc rtrtc edcs tu Le tLc only atrtc tlr. sfrtilutl w. tTlTwEffi tepuhlicam for UI{ITEU $Tf,TTS SEI{fiTO R o Witwe-r hna proved'he has the wiil and the ahilitv lo- light hard and sucoeasfully for grxtd goverrrrrr.rrf. His acco.mpli-rhments in stre-ngttrefring ,I",i ;;;;: l?ng. -lllmrrr! government have lxrn rlesr:ribed as"politrcal miracles" by the l)rtlrq of tlre state. o The "strait_ jacket" on the lllinois Oonstitution y.ns.Iem,ly-"d l-ry -thr: t9.50 Gatr.r,vay Arnendnre"t i"the linrt ltlue llalhr[ camlr.ign l*d-rry s'nr witwe-i. ?^ tl-ir ro-uragr{rue ltadernh ip- r.sul trxl i n artopt ion i n t9.54 of the lirst lrgislntive ticr.pprrrti.nrnt.nt in f,iiyurr:s- firir rrepre!{.nt;rtion i n t he- [l I i nois Lr.g isl:r tu rc. r He hr.lped mrxk:rniz-e st:rlr. b:rnking l:rws.