t8 , :iEMt-lrflohlTHLv PICTORIAL'NEWqLEIEtrER, |1rfch - Q6; Guf - ttl ftp m. lr0 li lbcf ld d ltltp PISTAK$U HTGBJJA.IIU AIUiA WUUIiN AJ UINU A'r. TIIE flTryUBTlCAN RAI,LY AT PISTAKEE] HICH- UINDS mhlMUNlrY 0ESI']ER ON OCII. 25r 1950' A DEtl CIOUS TIJNCH}DN WAS SEfrVED BY IIM LA$"ES TO ATt WI{O AT'TMIDED TH$ MET}TING, UIII$. IIOEERT YAN ZEVERN ACTED AS HOS'IIF].SS AI$D INTNOXUCED SP}IAKE]IIS, for t hc gme}l ohildren during the 10 r 45 Ecrrtrict . .lnotircr eddition to the pogrerrr of thc churoh mlII b c e eecond segsion of ' Srrnd,ay Schoo1 after the holiday ses.son etarting on Jariu&ry 8. fhle scssion ' rill be held d.uring the s ocond worship eerrrloa ard wiil make it possible for thoee living farttrer away to ettend both churoh and. Sunday School. Clc an usablc clothing ls now being rccaived at the church for the Lutheran lTorld Rellef arnual Tharrlrsviginfi Cloth- ing Appeal. This clothlng 18 sant to the &rc&s of the world where refugees from Comminist dominated countrics hevo had. to felI stlti aro homeless a'nd' jobless. Thi s clothing 'shows our Christian concern a nd helps them to feel s ome hope anrl corrrfort. {-' I otheo will be received up until,thanksgiving and may be brought to the church ary ti rncr WET VE ADDI.JD ANOiIIIL.:It M] T,J ION ( CONI. ) II,l(; A it'o'tA.L -lN llKCUjS g1i'$l8rosrffio.oo. 'fhis sixteen rrrj.lJiorr dollar irrcrease sinco f 940 is dtie to nrFrrly ttrirrl;s, but 'prlnrarily due to ttrer corr-tidence the Gn- tire uonurrunity hss plreoe$ jn the barilr' ,[,he Mr:llenry ljtrrte ltarrk 1'eeIs bhoj r cus- l,jnrnrs &r'e thcir tttost iir'portanb asset, ThankYou r. r I wlrh to thrnk rll thr votrrr for thr wondorful rupport glvrn ln brhelf ol tht Rapubllcan Crndidator Alro for ihr hrrd wprk dono by thr mrny worklru. J. R,. LIVESOUE, Rcpubllcrn Preelncl Comrnittecmtn McHenry Townrhlp Undrr Nou trargr'mrn? Towing LAI(ELAilD PARI( D.X SERVICE STATION RANDY SELLEK, ProP. Lrkchnd Prrh on Routo 120 CONSU'SER'S TR,ADE STAMPS Compbto Foroign rnd Domertic Aulomo0ivr Sorvicr Phonr McHonrY EV. 5'9779