d FAIR AilD IMPARTIAT T{EWS OF THE COMAAUNITIES 3EnFtffi t{OvII[BEn 16, 1960,- V0[. 5; No.i 5 MoE.LD{RY BASKETBAIJ fEAilt 0F L9L4-L5 ri'RONT ROW L. TCI R., FRA}K JUSTM(, ft}STER BACON, ED"ffARD iSONSLETT. SECOND R0W: GUY BAt0Ii, ALpRED RICIIAF.D$ON, GSRMER PETESLH, HIlliRY MII.,LER, .u'RAITCIS H)biSI,EfT. SIAIIDING IN BA0K ; i.,l^DWIN IIEIMEII. ,10:10 of clock ,Church rben a .9lll18o_ AIIDERSO]I TREE SERVIGE IREE SURGERY - PLANTIII|O - REXTOVAL FIREPLACE WOOD - SPRAY]NG Ph.: Woedrtocl FE &2598; ItcHrnry EV 5-2516 ' ED RE!D..- ORVIS GOAD 304 iLptc Avrnur ilcHonry, llllnoit l0 Cems Pcr Copy WEII,-KNOWN IOCAI BUSINESS'i{AN D]ES George R. Justen, well-known business, figurc in ilcHenry for more than forty .yeers, d.ied at McHenry Ilospital l+st wcek at the age of 6J. IIe jolned. his fathcr 1n the funeral and furniture business'while still in hig tecnsr and took ovcr both businesece efter tho dcath of his fathcr. fwo sons, Bobcrt end, Dennis rcr6 members of hj.s firm at the timo of his deeth. , HG ros a mcmbcr of sevcral looal organiaationg includlrrg thc Knights of Columbus and Frorncete r Dourt, tlo. gg4, the Modarn foodmon, l{e}ienry }:iooscl No. 691, es well an the $erdcn H111 Sports- manrs Club of Xenia, f ll.inois s4d vsrious Flurerel Directore Associati one. iervices wero held -FriCay rnomirrg at from St. Maryt s Catholic solemn requiem Uass -yras