t{ * COh-fIDEI\CE IS A PLA'I$T GF SLOW GRGWTH + FTCTURE OH LST: F'lrst Oournunlon !.1k Studto Chlldraa of St. Johnto on Hay Sth, durlqg Maes Paroohlal Sohool, Johnsburg, raoclved thelr at St. John the Baptlct Churoh. photo by Kota. r,Ast [tslrBrs f,IcfinE GIIEIi$* rtrE TAI SffiE OEER THA}T HR.s" rRAIICES PBtBSg$, UOXE$R ff slau PBmsou, PR0m,IET{R {T' l[g FETRY ETTERY Cffi GREEI{ ST. Iffi. PBTXESODI AIITA]S OREE?S EB CI'STCUERS EIIE A SUII,E. Driue Safely Fffiffi & ffiffiffitu ffiffiffiffi ffiffi&tu ffiffi & ffiffiW Fffiffits If you are tired of running frorn one Car Dealer to anotJrer . " . Chasing Fa'oul.otrs Deals that all seern to have a small catch in them .. . Then yourll be sure to find ttGold rn the Pantt at 3936 Main St. , McHenry, because we can do for you exactty what we have been doing for others for a long, long time - 35 yeare - Far longer than any other Deal.er in the whol.e County. Thatts wtry we know tJrat you will trike the way we do busine ss No Wild Clairns - No F alse Prorniees - Juet ttre very best money deal you can rnake on a New Eord . o o Backed up by over two generations of Sincere, Honegt $ervice. Stopby today. . .Our friendly, hel.pful salesmen will be glad to show you around, or demonstrate our cars. Yourll find we arb the Old Reliable Gompany that "Makes the Deals" others ueually advertise merely to create floor traffic . RO SALES MC HENRY, t[1. 385- 2000 i' 3926 W. BUSS r0 ,I,IAIN ST. P}I ONE I Aliiie, -:.."' I Stay