fl HISS GECRGETTE KOTALIK AIID MR. ANTHOI,ry LURZANO YfERE JOINE' TtrETiffi IN HOI,Y Y}IRIIrIONY in a beautlful lato sulrnor wodding on Sat., August 24th. Itov. Fr. E,r- genc Be.usrhofor offioiatod. Miss Kotalik is thg daughter of &1r. & Mrs. Goorgo Kotalik of 3611 {$. Annc St., IticHonry. Hor bridogrcom is the son of lIr. & Mrs . Vito Marz aao of Wondor Eako. Attending tha brlde wcrc Diane Kotaltk, .Ltnda Podioono, Karon t/ivcrl- to &rrd Margaret Pratt. lhc groomr o attonC ants wero Larry Monahan, Arrthony Morri.s Jamos Brady and Jorry Walsh. Following a weCding trlp to Nlagara Falls, thc young oouplc wlI1 tako up rasidalloa La the Villago of Ma0ullo;n IaI:o " We Cerry r Full Linc of HALL ,utARK GREETING CARDS for All Occosions in the Lotest Designr BROUJI'S NEIUS and SUilDRIES (Forrncrly lrYrttbe Drrg) NEW HAIR-DO! ' From /fidnaal{e Searaf S dliri CIRCLE BUILDING Route lzFyz Block Easl of Bridge 385'0890 BREAKTAST mwfi th{N LUNCHEONS r Ju JoDol, prop. DlNNERS FISH FRY, SHRIMP, SCALLOPS, OYSTER.S and LOBSTERS PriY.r,G Dlnkq focri lc? BANOUETS . PAIIT|ES ! EFrvf,[oill lrlloru NEETINOIS ,TOC I{ANCOCX DRIYE WOOIDIT LAKE, ILLINOIS PTIONC 6TH!3' CHINESE FOOD SERVED 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dftl tl ltt COfDttIfrrtD cOrrolt j sfr T. ::: t f'