M Drit)e Safely Stay Aliae Thc Lagt ftghtlng against tht Indtaas ln llllaols took Plaoc I50 ycars ago ln tha battlc !r gainst Chlcf Blaok Eark, In whloh n rhltca and aB EaqY aE 6q0 Indtrar r.rtt .Llllcdr DAtrt Dt[, U0I|IB, COJCIIBII RBCffiD RECGDIHG IRIIS! fm of tho MoEcary Caacra CIub at f,,otallk Cancra Ccatcr, DoI lfloutots latcst rcoord rlll bc rclcagcd thlg fall. I[oC[trLlJl{ [^*EE rLITt[B I.,EfguERsq Jouraa]cd to Mllwau- kac te ettcd thc Httrraukco Bravos-Chloago Cubs ball- te6. &* boye aad l2 adultg madc thc trtp by bun. 19 PERSONIT,IIY, potos for ncmborJ I5I5 $. Rtvcrsldc Drlvo. Mlss Ptrots by Kotallk Studlo.... x Y h. &.. 3 x l tl :i'