I{ETTSI,ETTffi PUBLISiffi CBSERVES 75TE BIRT}IDAY. Arthur J. Stuhlfcicr, cditor and pub- lishor of tho Piotorial lrlows lcttor, oolcbratad his 75th birthday on Satur- d"y, February Ist. A dinncr at Snug Harbor was arranged by his daughtcr and son-in-}aw, LIr. & L{rs . Bon Gatos . Mrs. Stuhlfaior ooirpletod thc foursoilco llany thanks for a rvonderful evcning and a fine dinner go to his f amlly and to Pia Rasdckc and Zoa kutherford, of Snug Harbor. &1r. Stuhlfcior also wishcs to takc this opportunity to thank his many fricnds for tha birth- day oards and bcst wlshos scnt hin in obscrvanoG of his 75 1rc&rs r JOINS S TAFF CF. THE }';EITS LE?TER Mrs. Iiclan Eabioh of ',Yondrr Lakc has joinrd the staff of tho Piotorlal Ncws lettc r, rapl ao ing Mrs . Loi s YrlckC also of ?Iondcr Lakc who has workcd on thc pap6r for thc past fourtacn monthe . Yfa ldomr Mrs . Hab ioht GARLIC Ff,AlES - For e'\rery dish thet requires garli c, here are our faatous Garli c Flakes. Ihese dehydrated flakee have B tines the stragth of freeh garli c so should be used sparingly. Dellcious ln stews, meats J"oaf, meat ba}le, potato salad.s a:rd salad dressS.ngs " I f theseflakes are to be add.od. to a dry mlxture, they should first be soaked. for 15 d.nu- tes in coId water. We Carry, a Full Line of HALL.MARK GREETING CARDS for.All Occosions in the lotest Designs BR0wI{'S ilEWS and SUNDRIES (Formerly Wattles Drug) AT{DERSON TREE SERVICE TREE SUR,GER.Y - PLANTING - R'EAAOVAL FIR,EPLACE WOOD - SPRAYING Phone Woodstock 338'2598; McHenry 385'2576 ED REID _ ORVIS GOAD 371I W. Maple Avenue McHenry, lllinois /a PT0TIJRED ABCVE IS r$ ruen oII yALffirE BIVONA, DAUGHTEF. ffi' IiR. & [1RS, t)ETtR B ILrOll^& , iIICNIIER LAKE. pho to by John Ii. EberIa. Thank God You Are Living ln rhe United States WOR.LD WIDE SERVICE Ab.Shh-nd fiplrcts Crubcs Tourt Hoeb-Rcsorts Drlvc-Ur-Sctr Plenncd Yrrtlons Rmrvrlionr rnd Tickctr rt No,lrlrt Chrrgo Yoer Aurtorkcd Trrvcl Agent , CHAIN.GLAKES TRAVEL SER.VICE $$525f 3tf, W. Mrb McHcnry Ihtrt ttr 5$e p.rn- Frldey to t, Srfiudry tll 5 p.m. I CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET , PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Street 3g5-450O lTt FIL LED a a a ! *,:::