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The Pictorial Newsletter: March 25, 1964, 25 Mar 1964, Page 16

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i{CR,T}iER1.i ILL ]i,ii B fffl},5EN Northern Illini Bovrmrn wlII hoIC a olub shoot on April bth, lf tho woathcr dors not drop to ?0 drgr..s that mornlng. Rcgistration tima is from 10:00 AM to I :00 PLi. Yls i tors Brc always wc locrnr to attcnd thr shoots and thc mrotlngs rrhioh &rc hold at B:80 p!!{, the thtrd Thursday of caoh month, Rt thr McHrnry irg lon llomc . John Fiod1cr, tournamont ohairman has plannod an array of intorosting invita- tional shoots this s6ason. ?ho first wiII bc a fic1C invttational on May 24. Wr will again havc our annual Safart Shoot July Lgth. Grrt Krug is drslgning hand paintod targots for thls shoot. A Smorgasbord shoot wiII bc hold JuIy lg, and ths allnus I Jaak po rry Mrmor ial Broadhrad Shoot will bl held August g. 1954 offieors ar6 John Zawaskl, Frtsi- dent; .]ohn Ditball, trrico-Prcsiciont; Bovarly Dlcbal1, Sacrrtaly and Earl Fa.odock, Trrasurar. Appointod off iocns ar6 Johr, DisbaI1, rangr oaptain; BiII Coployr &sslstant tournamant chairrian; Marty Klappcriclr, soslal ohairman, and f rcno AC ans , Fublioity ohatrman. lhw neabershlps ars being acerptrd at this tlmc. Attcnd thr .&priL l6th nncet- ing for frrrthcr inforrnatton about I{ortha:'n f}1ini Borrusrcnn iloliE},lRY TO$NSHIP GOP G.GANIZAIION EI\iD0RS ES SCOTT F'CTi GO\ERNffi I'ho Mclionry Township Republioan Contral Committoo hcadod by John Lioastro of Lakcland Park, votcd unanimously to crr- dorsr U{i}}iwn J. Soott for Govornorr at a broakfast merting &rarch ISth held at the }IcE^anry Oountry CIub. 0f thr LT townshlp oorr:mittGomcn, IS w6r. prcscnt to cast thcir votcs f or Soott. According to Chairman tioastro, tho ocn- tral oomnittrr wrig'hod tho gualifioatioris and the platforras of thc two loadlng gubcrnetorial candidatcs and choso to throw their support bohind Soott. Joc Frrtt, oonmorrly known as ttMr. itopub- lio ana in this I rGa , was nan^od o o- ord inator f or MoHcnry Tovunsirip and will bad thc cfforts ln bcha.lf of Mr. Scott. Rngor*ocu Meroh 2 6 &iarch ? 7 Maroh 2 9 .Maroh 5I IYIETHODIS T CHURCH CALEI,lll,R 8100 P.I6. Maundy ?hursday Ser- vi,ct "- 8t00 P.lt1. Good Friday Srrvicc 9130 & 11100 Alt - Eastrr Qu+4ay Tforshlp Srrvioos- B:00 P.M. Mothodist Men moct FREE B C[',-LING CLASS FauI Krumsko, wo11 larown bovrlcr, will conduot'a frca boullng olass at MoHcnry Roaroation, yTcdnrsday, April Ist. &Ir. Krumsko wiLl do axhibltion bowling fron'i B:15 P.&1. to g:00 p.ivl. and v*,ill girra instruotions frorn g:00 to l0l00 EM.Patronise #wr &dwmn*lzens 7 506 HANCOCK DRIVE ?orudnd,@ Siq JIM JODOI, Prop Breokfosl -- Luncheons Dinners Private Dining Rogm for BANQUETS o PARTIES TTEETINGS Reservalions Welcome VONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS lmporled Novelties GIFTS ond CURIOS - fy66 - HAWAII, SOUTH SEAS and rhe .ORIENT PrroNE 653-4334 t0

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