25 mrns eF sHEr CE Gltat dta3qnol, home latldrrrg repes- sgtative la tha Eortbest ElTistm for Sorthsm llrlu€il.c Gies Omtrnay, obserlYes a Zj-yrear .geryl,eo arul.vercarly rtth t&c oonIlaaIr * H.dey, Oetober 23, Glaygnel started, rlth the *Lra la L959 asr bas rorhd. Ln the Sas Foductim, 6'Est@er Serrtee rtrd. CredLt delnrtxreact3, befere befng rsffid. eerrriee reFreseatatire ta ths Bortbeet Dt"l.elm b L%5. IE L956, he aasmed, hr.s trreseant S,osittm fathe eoatrnuyls Selee Deprfueat Flth of*lees ln rystal Lfr,he. A resldeat of lfioEolrryr, e1a36no1 aud hls rrtfe, IEargarot, ll.re at !pL2 $. pmaagt. 3hey have trs s@s, Gharles a:ad, Roger, vho.are fa gramar e*ool, eixth aad flfth gradea rospeetl,vely. .&,stl.re la co@tty ao#lttff.es, dla3r- 1no1 ls lnosldot of tho l[offirxr gtan'ber of Cmeroe; 6lraf13ga sf the Offloeal Cs@llotty Board, of the Csmluity E€thoatict Ohureh, past lnesld,mt of the lfieEerry Eiwauig club and a mm,ber sf the ladust- rlal Derrololaat Cod.sslm for the City of EeEar5rr SETT IDE.A, IISED Eetrerrgr Couaty DmoeratLc rsma, are tastitati.ag rhat eould, be m'e of tb most ulque attgatLo gottera of thet6[ oaaplgR. fbaaA@ing the'ttne hB- ored polltteel enstsm of H.ssfag babfi.es' the5r are lnotrnsLtrg free rtlapering ssrr rrlces'for tha et tbe BaoeratLe Eead- quartere buLldlng, 50 Errpk Et. fa Eystal lr.ke. the thw of the muguEl eanpafge lrooeedrrre Ls ttts tlne for a clrange. ia lEoEenr"3r Couutt', /c ISC$r. nusrsEss r[EIr eEPorrtbp no rmaonral CIEIE ItrVISrOU. three pmiaeat'Ioca1 busiaess m@ have beelaptrninted. as Co-Ghairnsn of the trfimor:tal Glfts Dtrristm iu Ule Heflenry Eospital Erpaasim hograu CaDIn.igB, , aecordt-ng to erl alrnolueeaeat m.d,e today $r tieaeral elafgn Chairasrol ylrgi.l B: Pol}oak. EhsJr ere E?erett I Eanem, ALIeo J. Petersa &d Ceorge S. pedersece Upm, aceegti.ag the aptrniafuent tc lead the lfiaorlal Gi.fte Dl.rrle!.o of the Caqr afgq. tessrs. Petersea, Eaage, a,ad. Fed.ir- sa M.As tbe foaloring joiut etatemoatr tfe are extrerely bapgy to serre as tJrero are fc persmal satlsfuetlme that , equal those u&n oh eouie ftom helpiag ethers ln a hostrf.tal. fhm there lg the grtde te feel fr. bel.as a lnrt of m.lrlag lEeEeaqr. and the eurromdLag area.tbe H.nd of plaee 3mu ak*ays raat to thlnk sf -- * placeTith q. hoart.r tt*t Ho rry C. HERENDEEN Republicon Condidote For RECORDER OT DEEDS ELECflON-TUES. NOV. 3, 1964 a