q BOYS WILI BE BOYS, BUI GIRIS ARE RUNNING THE'UI A CTOSE RACE 5EtrUR!TY EQUIPMENT BlS-3Ets-rIOtr NORTHERN KEY ond LOCK SERVTCE 3tr9 RIVER ROAO INSULATED FILES, SAFES F. B. KELLNER DgtrR trLOSER SERVICE MtrHENRY, ILLINtrIS CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGTR'S DRUG STORE t259 N. Green Street 385-4500 Sarry INTO SPRING are?n a, . HAIRNEW STYLE y'd?oo'o Seazty Safuc YOUR APPEARANCE AND COMFORT IS OUR CONCERN On Duty for You 6r€ . . . LaVON - CAROL - CATHY - SUSIE Closed Mondays 240,4 W. Johnsburg Road Phone 385-3219 JOHNSBURG, ILIINOIS LIGHT A GREEI{ CAATDLE OF HOPE ON EASTER MORNING FOB THE OPPNESSED PEOPI.E OF TTIE WORTD Sponsored by Kiwanis . A EMYEP. CE"FERIre Thr'p6op1o behlnd thr Iron Curtaln know that op.n rrsistanoc against ordrrs ls futilc. Yot, thry havc aequlrcd sklll in outwittlng thr rrg lmo. Thry nort oe lcbra.te thl t!'frstival of thr flr troott' by lighting a singk gr.6n oand1r on thrlr trocs. Ihoy ohosr grc.n booausr grcrn ls tho color of HOPE. thry want to foal that thoy aro no longar abandon- Qd, Thc oustmr of lightirrg a gr.Gn oandlc ls no longtr oonfinod to Chrlst- nl&Er Tha hoprful no1i, plaoo a singh grctn oandlo on thoir tables at Eastrr. Thoy oaII lt thc candlo of HOPE and RES'JRP.ECTION. Iron Curtaln refugees ar3 spr.ading thr idra of thr gr.cn candlc of hopr all ov.r tho froc fforld. Thry s61r o o . "Y[. who l ivr in Frcodar thall rs tatn oLlr Frcldsr; thos o who havo los t thoir Froodon sha}l rogain thclr Frro- dom.n' This Eastpr, plaor a Er.cn oandh ol your tab h . . '. it u f llhkriing llghts of your Ilttle gro€n oandh along with yoy nrighbois, wil} turn lnto pow'rful flood Ilg[ts cf vrs-mth and sympathy, aad s hlar uoio"t hornctloally soaled frontirrs ln- to prisons ' oonorntratlon oamps and thr drrary homrs of tho oPPrtssld mass'6 bohlad thc Iron Curtaia' Get your 6ro'n oandlo of HOPE todaY.