q A FRIEND IS TO BE TAKEN WITH HIS FAUTTS YILLAGE OF MC CULLOM I,AKE EI,ECTIOI }'ACTS ANJJ FICTION FICTIONI Vt}la6o Finanoos aro in a Bankrupt oonditlon. FAUTS; Tho Villago of Mo CuIIom Lakc has no outstandiag bt1ls as of April I9Og, and has aoowrpllsh- , cd this without thc aLd of tax Ant lclpat lon }Tarrante or any borrowcd moncjr for thc first tine slnoc lnoorporation. FICTI $Il IIre Yl1lago B oard Spot Zones ooatrary to the vrlshes of ltrs Citizcno, aod by thls ruins V111,€c Eon1ng st ructurc8 o FACT$, ?he Vlllagc hcars aII Zonnlng Pcttttons of itrg oltlzcns anA ln thc first inetanoc ln tcn ycars granted a tcmporary zonp nlag varlanoc only after thoy uoro satlsfied that thero wcrc no objeotions to tho property owncrs, lmmcdiatoly affootcd. In faot only onc objootlon i ras prosentcd at thc hearing by }drs. Tfinlfrcd Doran, thti withdrawn aftcr lt was undcr- stood to be a tcmporarf, yaf,- lanoc of Zoning. FICTIOI{I ?hs ViIIagc Polloo Dept. lg lnadoquate and shouki bc RG- Staffcd. FACTr Thc Yillagc of Mo CuIIm Lakc polloc foroc patrole the arca of the vl IIag e ln thc amorrnt of 600 nilos per month and it I s go rs oau, }. g lvc app rox'm- atcly 8O0 hours of thclr tlnc por ycar scr:ving thclr nelgh- bors nccds. Thc po1loo Chlcf has feoclvcd numcrous o@rcnd- atlons from County, aad ncar by Vl}lagc enforocmcnt Agea- o1es. Bcsidcs the thanke of thc pcoplc whon they scryco Thcsc Faots arc brought to thc attcntlon of the votcrg by IEE PROGRESSIVE plRTy... Iltroso Candldatcg dcal in Faats not Fiotlono Iturf God Yar Are tivins }JCHTXVRY COUNTRY AR? F}JR NA.!18$ CHAU,J'EN The gth annual MoHonry Country Art Fair, .sponsorcd by the lllomenr s Auxtllary to thc },foEcnry Hospital, has nmed John Hi lton Grccnc of crystal Laks as ohaiman with Caro} Ann Cooney of HcHcnry and Jamc Fe arson of Ringwo od as oo- ohai r,o'r ttrls dtrmanio tcam promises to bring to thc putllo aaothor outstandlng art falr tlunc 18 19 and 20 at thc Moflcpry Elgh Sohoo}. Ihc quallfloations and baokground of a} I thrcc poo p Ic makc thcn we 1I s ul tcd for thelr Job. John II. Grccna studtcd art at I llino ie St atc Nororal Collcgc and ls a dcslgne_r and tcohnloal lllustrator for a Chloago firtn. tle roecntly cornplct- 9d.n i.mportant oomrnlsslon to dislgn andbull.d a motal eoulpturc for thc ttazercnc Churoh in Colrrmbus, Ohioo ?ho falr noeds ncw artists and ncw workers to coatinue its hlgh standards. luy rcs ldont of MoHcnry County is cligib I,to catcr art work, and aII residcnts arc urgcd to support thls worthy projoot. Addttlona.l iaformation may Le- oUiaincd from the reglstrar, Barbaia Tado 41}-STTL Mil; PTCIIIRE ABOVE SHOTIIS SHIRIEI SMIIH,, AS GALE JOY, A HOLLYI|{ICOD MOV]E STAR X{ TIIE PI,AY trBnSI FOOI trORWAnDn, SP0NSOREI) BY IIIE MeHm{RT COLIMUNIIY AIID TI{E McffilRY HIGH SCHOOL PTA. THIS MUSICAL CO}MDY UIILL BE PRESEN TED C,li APRIL 2Jrd AIrID d+tn AT B: ]0 ? .M. IN TIm JIIN IOR IIIGE S CEOOL.ln lhc Unitd States