tl HENE ls....) r THE. MA TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE ROBERT I. GOilUUAY 3315 ffr. Elm Streat ilcHenry, lllinois PtraG 38t5285 STATE FARM lnsurance Companies Homr Officer: Bbmin3ton, lllinais HE THAI LOOKS FOR A SIAR PUTS OUT HIS CANDLE I,.ODIES OF TEE T,AI(E TIE}1IS BBIEF.'S Ths Ladles of the Lake wllI have e ncw aspbalt tilo floor installed ln the bcaohtrouec in thc ncar future, by Mro Frank Kurth, who wtIl do thc tillrg. Mark May ?gth on your oalcndar nclgh- bors, f or thc Ladics Annual Rrrmragc Salc. Thc Chainnan of thls evcnt will be Alicc. Gustafson, with abls asslstanoc of Petcy Sohnldt, Gcrtrude Hurphy,, Lots Parenti, trflary f,antorskl, EIma NcIe on and Harriet Mo $amara. Pleasc clean the oloscts and oupboards thls noxt month and bring your trcas ur€s donrr to thc be aohhousc oa Fri- day May 28th around 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. FRANZ MILLBROOK is now at the Orean Friday and Saturtay evenifies at the Snus J{arbjorBo_a_t_gtub" River Road, McHenry $ubscribc llor r{ffiw ru!0l}rmffi HQ[,tPilEr{T mssidG!ffrl and Gommt3d Elaulfiry Gomplctoly EnclosGd tllcHenry Disposal Seruice llt Erf Third Stnrt WILLIAM DEVRIES McHenry 385-2221 I