P I CT 0.RI A [-N [lY $[ IIT [B uaY 5, 1965 VOrr,uE 9, NUL{BER I8 fhe llonorable Arttrnr Stuhlfeter Prestdent, ViLIage of Mc Cullom Lake 2722 North Orctrard I{cHenry, f llinoLs 50O5O Dear Art: CongratulatLons on your election as VlILage Presldent tn tIeCuLLom Lake. This is Just wonderful news and f knor that you st-itl senre weLI i-n thLs ner responslblllty. I have noted wiih real interest the closeness of your raeet an'l of eourse, this arlds to the exeltement er it aLI. Every best wigh for a successful terrn. Slncerely yours, Robert Me0lory I{ember: of Congress 4d, t0 Cents Per CoPY UO$OSR LAKE (T"JANIS CII]B }.{EETING FoLk Sinsers dntertain Kiwanlans. Tony Bird of i'Ion,'ler Lake, Roger ShiLLer of tIcllenry ancl Tom Leahy of Crystal Lake, aII sentors at t'{arian I{igh Sehool, put on an. hour program of folk vmrslc and nooular songs for our ldonCer Lake Kiwan' Lans . At the end, the ' I(iwanians j oined in eomposLng Last Lines. i{illLe ealled bhis rf Borrus Nitert so lte'had steak dinn- er8 o Hey IOth - Klwanls, Navy 1)ay at Great l,akes. May ITth - Uerit Award Dinner at Bins- wood l4ethodist Church. SCHOOI.S JAMiIED Enrollrnents in publlc elenentary and . seeondary sehools this fall reached a record LL.L ml-Ilion, The total represents an inerease of L.2 milllonr or 3.I per eent or.rer the L963 enrollments. An est- imated 5.9 mlllion addltlonal ouptls are enrolled ln non-publle sehoola PETER M. JUSTEN & FUNERAL HOME SON McHenry, lllinoir OXYGEN EQUIPPED 3807 :::i :i !::!: W. Elm Slrcct r-::l::r: ll ': : :r':l;.,ii:itlt:'r t . :::ri:r-ii'i',:.r-:.:. .t.r : ' ii,;,;.,';.; :,;. "t l: Ambulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSGITATOR