6 WE ARE SHAPED AND FASHIONED BY WHAT WE LOVE licfiLY STAGI B$TD, PI;*E EECII FtIO,LY fif GHT -l CIIY B.:i[D SIIiltt Af 7 $A P.lxi. S?iT{ VYC]T,i.t TS DIFJCTOR OF ?}fi 18 PTECS EA}iD. HOfiTEffiT{ T:,LffiOIS U$I]/:n'STEY SixW aine l,iorthem llljnois Ilaiv- ersity Srm.er $essi:on students asff are studeni teaching, 67 on esmpus and tlvo off. ,Cooperating are regular teachers in DeKalb ciff sehoo1sp the llniversittrr School, i'ItU speeial educatroar classes in Graharr fial1, the Nortirern Speech I cJ.inic. Off Campus, sne student is doi:ag special eCueat-i.on i:rstruction 1n Chi cego; aaother, distributi.re education teaching in j..rlingtoa }Ieights. Ihe in- tern -teach!.ng assigrrnents wi.1l end .l^ug-ust 6. ?hey bega.n-June l.[g. $tudent ?eachers , by hone to,',ins , i:n clude I fi(GLESIDE - - I,snore r,liler Li1I Od,em; anC TJilda $tanton, 1105 Roselend ,{0},jDfjrr I.,*.iE - - Barbara }'oge1 , \2L9 l. iskeshore, Iic]fiRY - - S.iohard rmCerson, 5918 i;. F,t. 120; aad Catherj-ne Stilli.ng, jli! 1,T. fud. The Qualtty of Our Uork ls Our BGst fducrtisiry McHENRY GARAG€ leep Sales and Seruice NICK P. ,rnlLLER, Owier Phome 385-0403 926 N. Front Street McHenry, lllinois a o O Srury*an#w Wow Okl Luneheons Served PRIME BEEF-.<----- SE,A. FOODS COMPLETE MENU OpenTdaysaweek 2l Boot Slips on Fox River for Customer Parking Fronz Millbrook ot the orgqn Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 801 N. River Rd. - McHenry, South of ,I20