t* A LIFE IS 'NEASURED NOT BY ITS DURATION BUT BYITS DONATION $.t'd,w UR. ..ii,trD I&S. "A.LEJ( RO3ERT cOSCniSKI, l{EitEXreRIED AUGUST 7 !{ SI. JOm{ fim Bt.ifr$f CAT}iCLIC CEIIP'CH, ff JOHI{SBURG. TIU SRIDE IS ?M r0il.;3,R &T{ET i-&mICIA ijTL$CD[, DAUGEIEI?, 0F iE. A]iD i,R,;i. EC,i#nD ifrLSOl{. fffi G3.OOU IS fI{E SO}i Of j,:p. . ${g ;RS. S?$II,EY GOSCIS{SIf, :iJ,L 0F pTST-.l[iE HrGIi- LII{DS. fHE Y0U'.if c CUUPLE .{CI{EI}iCCI,i:iD AT FCmIfl3 ]!:rs. IN piiiiisl:Ll*NiA *$D JIEE l;oiT FSSIDING II{ },IcIiliI{R,Y, Kotalik Studio photo Thc August moeting of },toEenry Barraoks #I5I5, I/ctorans of ffor1p uTar f, was heldat tho homo of Corunandor H. p. Orcns. lbout 40 mombore and thoir wlves xrcn, ln attcndanoor Es wcII as Eomcr l[ann, past Commander of thc gth fllinols Dlstriot and ecvoral of his Buddioe from Tlood- s tock. Aftcr a dollolous ropast, acompanied by an appropriate bevcr€c, thc group was ontertalncd by Past Corurandor, iioward Cairn, who showed slidee of his reoont trlps to Alaska and Mcxloo. fhurk God You Are Livirytng ln the United States