t? A BAD DOG NEVER SEES IHE WO{.F. Tk(he c$ O0r Worth &tr8ffitW e$ffimffi YHgg WTO LOUTSE'S SHf,ffT $IIOP ls3 lL rlwd& tu Td, llrrt3rp SrnJrlfu - Fb,rfiG l$iag Frr T&Ouf &*re UrEdH Sorq **z&ut,goar g*l l-r.lncheons Served A PRIME BEEF G SEA FOODS C COMPLETE TilENL! OPenTdaYsrweek 21 Boot Slips on Fox River for Curtomor Perking Fronz Millbrook ot the orgcrn Fridcy ond SoturdaY Evenings 801 N. River Rd. - McHenry, Souih of I20 DR. RATmA ffihiA (tctt;, HEDICAI STTFF MEHBER, CF ilcIIB{BI ICISPfTAL, SHOIfS SOUE OT THE T$DTAN DOLIS TIIff WITL ffi H(EIB. ITED Af THE IIIDIAN MET,A TO }IRS. LEE GI.AD- sTolIE (rleht), RICHICIND ROAD, ttoHEI{RY. TI{E ]NDIAN FE$ITVAI WTT.L BE I{EI.D AT THORUE IIALL, ?hO UOnrE tAr(E SHORE DRIVE, CHICAOO TO RAISE TUNDS FUNDS FOB TIIE .A},TEBICI. INDIA DISPEIISART. II TERANS OF WORLD HAR 1 OF TTM U,S.A. FteHenry Barraeks # t3I5 The regular nronthly rmetlng of the HeHenry Barraeka #L3L, of the Vctcrana oil Wor1d Har 1 of thc U.S.Ar $B! held Ttnrrsday cvenlng, 0atober T, L965 at EIOO F.tri. at the Amerlean ligton HourG. Quartcnmastar Ottoson has rcecLved hts supoLy of L966 mcmberahip cards end hc utll bc mor6 than happy to rceetvc your L966 dues at the ne>t ncotlng. If Szou ean I t ettend thls meotfulg you mey matl then to yorrr AdJutent T.f,. (Cy) Toung, -310 N. Cresthl}L Ave., HcEenry,Il1. 50050 It would be a vcry plcasant sqrprlsc for y,qur new Offleers tf we hadthe ducs of all rncmbers paid up for Ig65 before our Deccmber fnstallatton neetLng.