l0 QUARREI.S WOUTD NOT LAST LONG IF THe FAUrT wAs oNry oN oNE sroi L0NG -rIvE RESI0ENT P'ASSES AI"IAY Mrs. Robert (nutn) Sdth 5?, of Chicago, formerly or Me CuLIom Lalcc, rlied Monday in Passavant llospLtal, Chl- eago, arter an extended lllnesg, She was the rounder of tha ladtes of the Lar<e, in I{c Cullom take, and also helped in Lneorporatioa of the vllIage. Her husbanl Bob, as everyone ealled ht.n preeeded her 1n death geveraL yearB ego arter e long ertended illness algo. Ruth was a very dedleated and trard nork- ino wcman who qave so firrch of her time anrl effort to her connarnity and rhat ever oroJect she was lnterested itr.'Deepest symoathy is ertended to the farnily and frlendg. GEUIilT TV HOVIE AVAITABIA A thtrty nrlnute fllm shotrlng exclttng eplsodes tn the resent flleht of Oentnt [V, tncluding an Anerlean astronautrs ftrst ualk ln spaee, le avallable through the courtesy of Congressman Robert Mc- Clory (R-f LI ) . Thls dramatlcl L6 run., sound fllm ln fuII color is available wlthout eharge to sehool, chrrrch, clvLe anc fraternal groups. Arrangements may be nade by tele- phoning Congressman Mc0loryt s Waukegan Offlee (phone nrrrnber 3361$5li betseen 9:OO ana LI:30 4$ on weckdays or by addressing a lettcr to Congressman Robert McCIoqy, 326 North Oeneeee, waukegan, Illlnots 60085. t'water wheel" moisturizing fiumidifieil ' c0IIlf0rt West Bend's new Drum.fllter Humldifier automatlcally reolaces fioi"sture . . . drained from your llons or office.by wirtef haat- " in8 . . . to restore comfort level. Silent. low.spded fan tenily - foices air through the constantly rotating'"watei wh€ot,, f*rtei. saturated foam filter on a drum). Controlled and filterdd, the moist air flows out the top grills (adiustable to direct air at one, two or three angles) for wholehouse humidification -prwents dry a.ir damage, keeps you comforhble wlth less heat and more fresh, clean air. fhe UVert Bend Humidilier ond Alr Freshener oho fcolurcr o Etlt rotllllnl - tirough r lutomrtlc shutoll .n6 rr,hryE oDening et thc toD. fltl lndlcator llsht.r Spcclal, hr8c crnacltl rurt r Bullt-ln automrtlc lrr Droof DolyDroDylsnl r:ser. mldktat. tolr. Won't chlp, cract or r Vortlcat alr clrGuhilm rnd lrcar. Holds ty2 gallom ,ot dlrociloml control. continuoos moirturir. e Smart dac0rator sbllnr. ing actlon. t.shlonrd lllc flno lurnTr Wrtcr lcvel lndlcrtor grugs. trrr. Filffir*t . m*.,ililtr#ffi.S*"*ncf xin freslrgnglrr rrifrl **31 *w-*rfar wh*el# nrsi*f$rir*r LEEa RAY ELECTRIC (McHenry's Largest Appliance Store) 1005 N. Front Street Telephone McHenry, tllinois 3S5-bSS2 _ FREE PARKING LOT -