VETERANS 0F ';IO}?.LD IIIAR I 0F THE U.S.A. lvlcilenry Barracks Noo L3I5 The regular monthly rneeting of the l4cilenry Barracks #l3y(., of the Veterans ol 'v'trori"d l,lar t of the TJ.S"A. was held Thurs'ley evening ivlay L2 , 1-966, at B : 00 p.l'nr at the American Lesion Home. The dinner meet.inq, comren:o::ating the Irgth Anniversary ol the beginning of,,Iorlrl "llar l, was a huge success as usrral. bJe just aborit broke even on exoenses or rrossibly a little better. There lrere 9O present, including wives and guesis. 0f course \ij-ce Commander oi the Department of Illl"nois, Jim "f,aln- er was there flo,l sai.l a felr rvo::rls as diC sorne er the other eelebrities. The [luality of 0ur Work ls 0ur Best Advertising / 'fhe dues for L956 are s+.iII coming in, we have 93 r:a.iC up thus far and those r^rho harre orrerlooked this little item A.Te asked to i<eep their nembership up- to-.rlate. Cne more important thing. As yolt know Bu.idy }iaruy Lock will be cur Dislrict Commander for the ensuing yearr ani this promoti-on frorn Sr. Vice Distrj-ct Conunan- 'ler to District Comrnander wilL ratified at, the Distriet meeting to be hel,l at 1:he Legion i{omer Woodstock, f llinois, 2:C0 Dorro SrrnCay, t{ay l5th. As xnany or the t3f5 bu,Jclies as can should pliln to a*.t,end and give hirn our congrat- ulatlons anrl support. Since 1936 ANDERSON TREE SERUICE Ed Reid Orvis Goad 38s-2s76 338.2s98 Tree Surgery - Planting - RemovalSpraying - Stump Removal37ll W. Maple Avenue McHenry, lllinois { /4/1/1/ fiADIO D ISPATCHED 447-'l/ a o a CORRECTLY PR.OPORTIONED CONVENIENT _ LOW COST ANY QUANTITY o DEPENDABLE SERVICE o PROMPT DELIVERIES McHEilRY READY-MIX G0. It{G. 920 N. FRONT Plants in Antioch - McHENRY, ILLINOIS - Grays Leke - McHenry 385.4920