MARY JANE OAR, Pianisl and Vocalist, finished one-year engaEement at Sweden House, R.ockford. Previously at the Edgewater Beach Yacht Club. /ot ?nafi tutlDCterca q ffe naat . . . TAFEL'S B.T.O. CLUB (Big Tlmo Oporatoru) Serving the world's finest Swift's PROTEIN STEAKS TAFEL'S B.T.O. CLUB Lowor Lrvrl RT. 3l rnd CARY ROAD ALGOHQUIN, ILLINOIS M&HEI{RY DISPGS&L G0. WILLIAM DEVRIES 3402 W. Third Avenue For Reliable Service Call 385.2221 Residential lndustrial Gonrmercial Container Service 2-lffay Radio