PUBLISHED EVER.Y TWO WEEKS ON WEDNESDAY Pictoriol Newsletter TEI* T}f,ilT5 PER COFY Augus i 2 4 , 19 56 VCI,-LIME .10, i'IO. 2 6 Clauriia Grayr Miss Mollorrry Kiwe3i.s tt'Li. tt Ie hlis s Poanuttf' wins titlo cyor 7 oontcstants. PICTORIAL REVIEW - PAST AND PRESENT PICTORIAI.. NEWSLETTEF Office Horrrs: 9:00 a.m to 2 C0 p m. Dailv Wednesday: 9:C0 a.m. to 12 a.m. BE SUP"E TO BIII PEANUTS 0N SEHIE.}BBR 23ra remlnds Llttle Ufs L Circle, Island Lake, TLI. Claudia, a sweet gj.rl of seven y'rears, was shosen Llttle Miss Peanut frorn among seven finalists who rcpresented Kiwanis Clubs throughout lllinois and northern Indlana. September 23rd is the date chosen by the Klwanis Clubs for this yrearfs Kldet Day Feanut sale at which they hope to raise $3Z5'OOO for use in youth proJeets sponsored by Kiwanls Clubs at their eorrmnity level. Claudia wiLI represent aII Ktwanians tn thls area to help them gain public attention to the Btg Day, Septernber 23rd.