HAF\rflsT H0l4E I.ESTML ,.-)ANCE Thats the nanle Elmer Thor-n thought of for the new dance, sponsored by the CuIIom KnoLl Assoe, 3t their last meet- ing Sunday, SePt. IL. The,Cate is SaturdaL November l2th. Ttre nlace lt is to be held has not been decirJeC on as vet. Chair:nan AIIan llc- Kim is investiga.t,ing di'ferent halls an.l v;iII let us kno'*r as soon as possible where the 'Jance rrill be held. The returns rron this dance r'rill be decosited int,o the building rund for the new recreation center to be built in the near future. HALO}IEEN FAF:TY TO BE I{ELN BY LADTES 0F T'rIE L|.KE The Ladies of the Lake heIC their flrst 'neeti.nq for the FaII session Thursda,v, Seot. 8. .{any new plans are j.n the nakins oor ihe months ahead. Eleet,ion of offieers will be held ln October, the norrrinatlng eomnittee headed by l4ary Kantorski and Emna P-:,ritz have their slate of' candiCates aII set for the Cetober meetinq. fmrnedlately lioll- owing the eleerion the memhers wtII eelebrate the FaII Season rrith a haLI- otreen eostume narty. Everyone is to be riressed ln eostupre r anyone raillng to r{o so t'lII pay a penslt,y and besides that will- al-so be nrrade a judge ror the eontest" The elub r,rj.Il give out three pri-es for funnlestr prettlest and the most original eostume. Games and refreshments wiLI be s€r- ved so members, p la,n on being there and bring a neighbor or a friend along HEAR YE !! COME TO LOUISE'S SNAGK SHOP 1335 N. Riverside For Tasty Home-made Soups Sandwiches - Pies PHONE 385-2687 For Take'Out Orders Clor*d Strnday and \londal 6 T he 0uality of 0 ur Work ls 0ur Best Advertising Ouality Cleaning Laundry Shirts Spe<.ialistsin... a r(NIT DRT1SSHS O DRAPERIES o tro*NrAr,s o T^J,-,'rl'f Fri. to g p.m. wE CHALLI')NGII DailY COITIPARRISONTIiY US 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. AND SIIE t20E N. Green Street 385-17r2 trI<.IIenry, Ill. NOW OPEN McHENRY KART PARK Track Open Friday Nights 7 lo l0 p.m. Seturdays and Sundays I p.m. to I0 p.m. Special Rales on Club and Party Dates Corner of Lincoln and Chapet Hill Road Phone 385-9736 or 385- 1994 CHARLES strr.r.rNc I a ? a