-- PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS ON WEDNESDAY Pictoriol Newsletter TET{ dII{TS PER COPY SEPTETTBm 21, 1966 - VOLUME 11, N0. 2, KI].TANIS KTDIS DAT PEANUT SAtr,E SEPTMEER 2SRD YOLR SUPPCAT WILL BE APPRECIAIM PICTORIAL REVIEW - PAST AND PRESENT .,f.Vi':':', j.,tf-: .,t;,:-: ']- i,;:L3i::, a!,l-". !i;,i" ,,,' . * ,, .., -il .:':: ,1 i?* --iF. * ] "a1 I 4.-, . 1r.. r j I .r ,--, ..ul\.; i.. .. . _'* .; ? ": O ,. . ..".; *.il'"n -{.9- BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID McHenrl'. Ill. Permit No 31 $ C}IRISTi{AS IN SEPTEIVIBER? Itlot rea lly. But Kiv,ranis T,ittle l,{iss Peanut of L966 went to Santa t s ViILage i-n T)undee, fIL. to ask for a special oavor anyway -- O\rER THE Tgp peanut sales for the Kitranis Kldst Day Peanut SaIe, September 23rd. More than ICr000 Kiwanians and volunteer pearnrt vendors, representing tI5 area Kiwanis Cluhs wiII particioate in the sal-e which has a goal of $3e5rOOO, with the money beine used by loeal cLubs for youth prograns. Little Hiis Peanut is Claudia Gray, 7, fslancl Lake, f LI, / F PICTORIAI.. NEWSLETTER Of f ice Hotrrs: 9'00 a.m ro ? C0 p rn. f)ai!v Wednesday: 9:C0 a.m lo 12 a m 1n