tl A BROKEN FRIENDSHIP MAY BE SOLDERED, BUT WItt NEVER BE SOUND gang. Letrs hope you dontt wait too Long.rl This note is oarticula::I;v approp- riate at this time as our meeting Nov. 3rd uill be election sro officers arul of course it is hoped that we wlIL have e good representation. Harry Lock, our new District Cornn_ ander, has nade the fol_Loning appolnt- nents r^rhich might interest so*e- Lf you, lour leputies Chief o-f Staf f : BernyFarr, R. Crl-mins, pat Onen ancl Mr. Eeklund; Vaughn Jones, Distrlct Chair- nan on Amerleanism, Gene Kane, Deputy f'nspector and Sig. Van lhrzer, -Deputy Legts L,ltor. Lets aIL Eet our and have a who our Barraeks 0f f ieers r*i I I !h" year Lg67 r anrt inciCentall;rrtlle I Lott anrl have a hot .tog and eoffee. voice in be for say cup of l,ilolJnER LAI(E Krhl \NIS CLUB "Lq'ilTrN0 Our elub had, as quests, I',Irs. i{arol,l Young and M,rs. George Rink, GirI Scout NOW OPEN McHENRY KART PARK Track Open Saturdays and'sundays I p.m; to l0 p.m. Special Rales on Club Corner of Lincoln and Phone 385-9736 or 385- I994 and Party Dales Chapol Htll Road CHASLES STII.I,ING Leaders and Harold Young who came along -f or the ride. Discusston centered about the House & Garden WaIk sponso::ed by the CLub for Girl Scout aetivities. fn other reports, Joe Sullivan, peanut Chairman, reported Pearmt Day grosseC SIro25.2I with a net or $Z9b.ZL which wiIL be used for youth activlties. Bob Howe announced the the Leader- ship Training School for the y)67 Ki.wanis Ofe1""rs wiII be held Sunclay, November 2othr at the E.Ieewa.ber Beaeh IloteI. Presj-cent ELec*- PhiL '(inzer and .:ieeretary 1id FIelIer rorill attenrl. Bob ,ttyers reoorts r,,ie rrrill have a representative at the Dir.rislen 20 Ladios Iiitte sponsored by the pox River Grove - Cary CLub. Lt. $overnor Clint Clal4pool 6r t',fcHenry wiIL be honored. THE PLEDGE TO THE TUTG "Flrg of our 'Greet Republic:' hellorr:ti by nobttst dee<la snd loring arcr,fie - Guardian of our honor; en inspiration rn ev(.rybrttlc for tbe right - whose stars and stripce stand for Beaut1..Purity, Truth, Petriotiro and the Union. WE SALUTE TIIEE, rnd for tbe defense, thc protnction of our Oountry anrl the con- crv'ation of the hberty of thr Arnerican prxrple. re pledge our barta. our livea. and our sacreJ honor." WILLIAM "Bllly" ffIBLIN Should Be Re-elected Democratic STATE REPRESENTAT]VE 33rd DISTRICT Because He is Not Associated with Chicago Politicians Citizens for Giblin