/o THINK NOT THY OWN SHADOW TONGER THAN THAT OF OTHERS Eospital for IoEenry County on ltranka- g lvlng nlght . Ur. Gateg w111 remaln ln the hospltal for a few days to unCergo a serles of testg. },IOHEI\IFY S POR TS I{EN I S CLIIB The lt4ci{enry Soortsrnen!s CIub releaseti their leeenber Shootlnr Sehe,Jule toCay. TneL':r'led -i-n their calen'lar oP events are trrro y:rtze shoots r atr e\rer copular ,Jack Ral'bit Shoot, and four Saturday .oraetlee sessions. A brrsiness .neeting an-l eleetion or orfieers is set for r;londa]r i-lece'rl:er l2th at B P.yt. C losing out this ,rnonth I s list was a repeat T11'RKEY-an'J-a-CHTCIGII Shoot on Sr.rndayr Nove,nber 271h. TIIA DECEI4BER SHOOTING SOHETIIILE: lec . 3 . Pra etiee Shoo+.ing and Jaek Babbit Shcot I n.n, ilecn I.C. Draetice Shooting I to [' o.rTrr I)ec. II. Yeat Shoot tL a n'n, Dec. 17, Pra.etiee Shooting 1 to b D"rr.'l')ec. ilt. Closed lec. 2q Closed Dee. 25, lt{eat Shoct tt x.ilI. Dec. 3I. Praetice Shooting 1 to L D.r?ro The r,IeHenry Sportsmenr s Club ls on 1,hs r^rest slde or Pistakee Bay and can be reaehed rron the easr. via Rorrte l3tt Biq HoLLoru Road to lts western termirn:s, t,hen a ri-ght tr-rrn for one half mile. trro,*.r the west the route is throrrgh John- shnrgr across the qox R iver to A rJ ams Serviee Station, then a left turn. From rrcHenry so no:'th on Chapel HiII Road to Ad urn. Dril)e SufelY T he (luality of (Iur Work ls AdYertising0ur Best Now exhibiti,*gD flre Paiotirods ot b* GtaY i r! 7.- ,6f 0.":,:!"nrro1e 'Porrr lrirr" l"_* ur {+ dr#" "u1u"t 1 oc"JPtut" $P#'h *oo* - Gr?soa Ctrrrsfrur" "r"d" ANI{'S GIFT SHOP !266 N. GREEN STREET 9 a.m. to I0:30 p.m. McHENRY, ILLINOIS