MARY JANE OAR, Pianist and Vocatist, finished one-year engageme".nt at Sweden House, Rockford. Previousty al the Edgewater Beach Yacht Club. 7u ?octfr rotlDtuen fu, t/. ,tootr . . o TAFEL'S B.T.O. CLUB (Big Tlmo Oporetoru) Serving the world's finest Swift's PROTEIN STEAKS TAFEL'S B.T.O, CLUB Lowrr Lrvrl nT. 3l rnd CARY ROAD ALGONOUIN, ILLINOIS McHEI.IRY DISP0SAL G0, WILLIAM DEVRIES 34A2 W. Third Avenue ilesldemtia! ffme$ws-tr'$*e$ Commere ia[ Container Service 2-tYay Radio iable Service Call 385-2221