J- PICTORIA [-NI}tIS[[TT[R Nor/EuBm 50, 1966 t votutfiB II, s. ? FAIR AND IMPARTIAT ilEWS Or rHG CONilUNITIES SEffiI-MOHTHTY m (ents Pcr Copy $ISO,O00 BLAZB rr UC CULIpU I,AtrE. fhe E.E. Uasa Quarterhorcc Fatr suffered an egtlnated 11501000 loso oaused by a flre of undeterrrlned orlgln I Frlday n16ht, $ovember 18th. The flre broke out ln a hay and storage baru rhlob alsc housed several apartments . lf oCullon lake pol loe offloer Tqr Batenan notlood tho f la&es whlle on a routlne patrol. He oalled ln tho alerm and wlthln mlnutes , the f lre department and polioe woro on the soenor and the fire waa prevontod from spreadlrqg te other bul ldlnga nearty . PETER 3807 W. Elm Slreet M. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 385-0063 McHenrY, lllinois OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 I.IANDY TESUSCITATOH I