,Al/ Lmuise's Te cfl o{ ow chrtrhd frhnds vo wich ihr hrp, pioal sf Ghrirtmercgl Groetlngr from $hgm !sss N" Ri'unidc Subrcribe [tow Gradually man learned more about the uni- verse. The voyages of exploration in the 1400's showed him that the earth was not flat, but round. Astronomers discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe. Man learned that the earth is only one of several planets which revolve around the sun. He learned that the sun itself is a star of only average size and brilliance among a hundred billion stars in the Milky 'Wav zdlaxy. Modern astronomers have gone further. They know that the fundamental units of the universe are the stars. The clusters of stars are called galaxies. \7'e live in one called the Milky \Vuy. There are as many gdlaxies in the universe as there are stars in the Milky \["y. The dimensions of rhe trniverse are impossible fcr the mind of man to grasp, as it measures thousands of millions of light years. A light year is the distance light travels in a single yffir, moving at the speed of 186,000 miles a second" The 200-inch Hale telescope on Brfount Palomar in California can see as far as one billion light years into space. If you hoarded an interplanetary train which travelled ae rhe speed of an express train today, it would take you 700,000,000 years to get to the Pole $tas'" No wonder the Psalmist asked in amaze- rriene of a God who created such a universe: "S7hac is man that Thou are mindful of him?" i- ilaytag Speed Queen CAREY APPTIAHCE, !MC. ,'r*#iii.ffi'rf[H*rcAr- r24t N. Green sf,::l" 'kTff.y, utinois (p5o 5Nq4 llcltEl{RY RECREATIOil 12!6 N. Rivcr Rd.