PICToRifltlfrTfilrrTlrn JllluAlty 30, Ig 67 - votrJME lI , !CI. 1I FAIR AND lmPAtrlAt ilEurrs Or rHE coniluNtTtEs HccIoRY suPPORTs REFuslt ro sEA? pohrEL,Lfn support of the resolutl-on to in-vcstLgate the quallfleatlons of congress ntan-clect A{*f Clayton porell, Congress_ man Robert MeCIory (R, takc niuff )"statcd I HThe Housc of Repregentatlves aeted*iggly--and fairly. The aetion takenwtII perml"t Hr. pone1l a fuIl hearlng and an opportunLty to answer the Etrtrlor_ ous charges that have becn d.Lrected agalnst hin.uI have fuIL conftdenec that thcselect conurrl.ttee rhleh wtIL hear the evLdcnce for and agaJ-nst hi-m ytLL befalr and lnpartial. n f t ts ray further hopc that thls aetion Ls the start of a progran to {emand high ethtcar standardi of conduct f or a I I Uernbers of Congrese . n l0 (ents Pcr Copr WALTER J. DEAN ATTE}TOS }METTilG AT DUNDEE walter J. t-)can, supcrvlsor of HcHenry ioynshfp rcpreaenilng- the eounty oiI{cHegy attended the Urban Couniy Probleras Corml.ssLon et Dund.ee orr'W"do"u- day Jarnrary ZSth. Ibts conmlsston stu,Jies thc peculiar problerns wlthin the slx county aree oi MeHcnry, take, DuPage, WII[, Boone anC Kane.-'Aftr" g_tudylng the problems legtslation !.othen recommcnded to our Reprcgentattrc and Senetors in Springflcld whcreby these problcms rnay be resolvcd. a Ihe next rreetlng of the Urban County Problcms Corn&isston wftl be held Ln-Sprlngfield on Febmary 2lst. This naeeting wilL be dlrectly wtth the ScB_ators and RepresentativLs. PETER M. JUSTEN & FUNERAL HOME 3807 lY. Elm Srrcot Phone 395-0063 SON *lcHonry, lllinoir - -. - -r'1A