{ BREAK FAITH VYITH YOUR FELIOWfU\AN, AND YOU'LL NEVER BREAK EVEN and havins falth that He rrlll glve ne the wlsrloqr arrj strengtE-I need to ful- f111 the vishes of our forrnders ard to keep our de..noeraey alive anrl working. As a strrdent I have other roles tn keeotnq our denoeracy altve and wo::k- ing. It is iruportant that the student body, as rrell as the repr:esentatives, take aetlve part in the Student Cor-lnetL, u'hteh aets as a deinoeratie governrnent ln sehool. By partictpa*,ing fn nock eleeti-ons hel:l at sehool, I cen Learn more abcut rrhat t s happenlng ln Waehi.ng- ton, whal, our representatives in our country are strivtng to achieve. Fur- thernore, ir I keep abreast on the news with the vasf, sorlrces of newspaperg, televl-sion, and ra.lio, I find nysel? being nol?e inierested an I eoncerned with the afrairs of nrr country. Fty generation ls in its youth I there-forer He are fortunate that our bodles are strong. trie ean talce active part, in keaplng Ameriea strong and froe by defendlng her to the best of our abll- ttles in the arned forces, People arc always watehlng other peoplc for actLons and worCs; therebyr so ean have a brlght testl"rnony that wttl shoffithers ersund the wor1C abart Ameriea, our frco eountry or dernocraey. Whlle slttlag in c1ass, I often gaza through the wlndor thinklng about the boauty and strength that waves in our f Lag, tlrrough the open blue slq5r. f thtnk of thc patriots rho longed for HEAR YE!! COME TO LOUISE'S SNACK SHOP 1335 N. Riverside For Tasty Home-made Soups I Sandwiches - Pies PHONE 385-2687 For Take-Out Orders Closed Srrnday and Monday The 0uality of 0ur bTork ls 0ur Eest AdYertising CANDIES COSh^ETIC5 IolLET ITEAAS PRESCRTPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N Green Street 385 4500 HoT Cnoss Buils tcllEl{RY BAIIERY STORE NO. I Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Closed Wednesday Open Sundays 7 a.m. to l2 p.rn. CALL 385-0t90 1238 N. Green McHenry STORE NO. 2 Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fri'day and Saturday Closed Wednesday Sunday, 7 a.m. to l2 noon cALL 385-35t0 4720 Route No. 120 Lakeland park